Message from @JizzyBizzy

Discord ID: 437304279535976458

2018-04-20 06:30:32 UTC

2018-04-20 14:43:25 UTC

2018-04-20 20:17:28 UTC  

A little one I wrote:

A brilliant gay muslim doctor and medical researcher sneaks across the Mexican border, setting up shop near the supreme court. He offers his services to only the liberal justices, along with George Soros, winding back their biological clocks decades. The evil Russian traitor Drumph, who is a racist and not-my-president, deports him back to Indonesia, where he had travelled to Mexico from. He is murdered shortly after by Nazi Drumph supporters, but it is too late. His work is done, and only Soros has the formula.

Justice Ginsburg and Breyer are running laps, looking younger than ever, the second and first amendments are repealed. Soon a progressive utopia is realised, never again does a woman or other minority have to worry about a racist murdering them, or invading their spaces and committing speak violence.

2018-04-20 20:18:22 UTC  

That's a horrible world to live in

2018-04-20 20:20:24 UTC  

@Oliver Starley but no one will ever call you nigger again, isn't that totes mcgoats worth it?

2018-04-20 20:20:50 UTC  

Your feeling are safe at last.

2018-04-20 20:23:45 UTC  

But they'll still call me an Uncle Tom, even though they've never read uncle tom's cabin

2018-04-20 20:27:08 UTC  

Have you?

2018-04-20 20:27:26 UTC  

No, but I'll laugh if they do

2018-04-20 20:27:49 UTC  

You would laugh at someone for reading Uncle Tom's Cabin?

2018-04-20 20:28:06 UTC  

I would laugh at them for calling me an Uncle Tom

2018-04-20 20:30:01 UTC  

Oh, right.

2018-04-20 20:30:12 UTC  

So, you've read Uncle Tom's Cabin?

2018-04-20 20:31:30 UTC  

No but I know enough about it. Basically, in the end, Tom gets murdered because a few slaves ran away and he wouldn't tell where they ran away to, so he was beat to death and then the people beating him realizing how inhuman slavery was so they turn to Christ and become better people

2018-04-20 20:32:39 UTC  

The dim witted passive form of Uncle Tom comes from minstrel shows made afterward. They also just so happened to be made in democrat voting states

2018-04-20 20:33:16 UTC  

InB4 dEmoCrAts arE tHe rEaL RaCIsTs

2018-04-21 17:31:04 UTC  

Gas the goyim!

2018-04-21 17:51:19 UTC  

Giving Jonese a bad name.

2018-04-22 04:44:04 UTC  

Well Kevin Logan is a faggot

2018-04-22 04:45:07 UTC  

You don't say!

2018-04-22 04:51:14 UTC  

Like lmao a woman who says the Holocaust happened is a Holocaust denier

2018-04-22 04:51:52 UTC  

Muh gorillion

2018-04-22 04:51:55 UTC  

Obviously they didn't believe in enough holocaust.

2018-04-22 04:52:02 UTC  


2018-04-22 04:52:24 UTC  

The holocaust genocided ethnic groups that didn't even exist yet.

2018-04-22 04:54:00 UTC  

Kevin Logan accused Aydin of being a Holocaust denier @Constantine

2018-04-22 04:54:23 UTC  

Sounds fun

2018-04-22 04:54:45 UTC  

Fucking brits

2018-04-22 04:55:28 UTC  

You didn't believe in it hard enough. That's some hardcore purity testing right there. Kafka would be proud of that surrealism.

2018-04-22 04:56:28 UTC  

Why can't we punish people for not believing in the Armenian Genocide enough?

2018-04-22 04:57:05 UTC  

The 103rd anniversary is in 2 days I think

2018-04-22 05:02:21 UTC  

Jesus Christ I just defended a woman

2018-04-22 05:02:41 UTC  

Did you defend her because she's a woman though?

2018-04-22 05:02:52 UTC  
2018-04-22 05:03:31 UTC  

That's what separates a white knight from other people.

2018-04-22 05:04:13 UTC  

At least you aren't trying to get in her hole. (I mean, you can't anyway, she's barren)

2018-04-22 05:04:46 UTC  

No, I have defended a fucking irony bro when Drybones tried to own him by sharing old Facebook pics