Message from @Athena Marie
Discord ID: 316288534174629899
Gen zyklon is definitely a white pill
im almost 26, def not gen zyklon lol
Those kids make me so happy
ok im officially on the spencer train
hang on tight it's greasy
Spencer isn't a god like Sacco, but I guess he's alright.
does sacco like morrissey
Spencer is funny cause he's a nice guy ya know? Go have a couple drinks have some laughs clothesline a few Jews. Heave a few heebs. Good times.
Lol niggawut?
Spencer is an excellent recruiter
Yes my sister in law has a crush on him lol
is he well received in the south? i always assumed he would only appeal to new england preppy guys
"Who's that?"
Richard Spencer.
Is he a nazi like you?
Ohhh so hot lol
He did declare war on football at auburn though.
I hate football tbh I'm a wrestler
I think sports, while they are important, can distract us from our true allegiance towards our fellow white people.
They are an opiate
Ever wanna rustle a few cucks? Tell them the NFL won't be around in another 15 years. You may as well say Heil Hitler
Well I'm not gonna lie, I 100% disagree in banning one of my cohosts yuge
Little bit of an over reaction
Say it casually "it won't be around" relax goy it's only football
move it to dms
i dont think sports are an issue, its the money they put into it
which fuels the obsession etc
We must elevate the negro for he is incapable of completing a 5yr olds lego batsman kit.
read badtanman instead of batsman
a lego badtanman kit would consist of just pieces of paper mache blocks with convo memes on them
and instead of the interlocking parts
they are just all holes
@badtanman you ahve more friends than ever?
so the job is doing good?
or do you mean internet friends
also morrissey is super good and i am sad i like him so much because he isn't a principled fascist
fuck that faggot