Message from @Five, Seven, and Two
Discord ID: 542776855493738520
I'll get into it later.
Why am I listening to the kingdom hearts intro songs on loop
Because nostalgia.
It's why I've been listening to chrono trigger music on loop.
I bought it on steam during the last sale havent tried it yet love the music tho
I am alive
with bad news
***apparently my school now has a bedbug problem***
@Xychotic Ever heard of Huskybythegeek on YT?
chrono trigger
what a classic
@batshadow */violently hoses down with de-lice foam*
I threw all my clothes into the dryer on the hottest setting for 70 minutes
even my damn shoes
Shave everything.
Wear a wig
Do your bedclothes, too.
Identify as a masculine presenting transgendered lesbian
Does anyone have one of those computer tablets? With the keyboard
Like a Surface?
I think
one of those computer tablets?
@shadowlessnexus Hush, I’m trying to help ~~the Boomer~~ Hermit.
What about ‘em?
It's like a tablet that has a keyboard attached
I need something so I can type videos while at work. I cant smuggle my big ass laptop in
Any tablet with a magnetic keyboard would do you solid, then.
Are the keyboards wireless
Can I disconnect them from the magnet
You can buy Bluetooth ones, yeah.
But the magnet ones they usually include have to be connected, ~~grandpa~~.
Goddamn I love me some subway
@batshadow Getting some pastrami for your **BEDBUGS**?
Teriyaki chicken is lit
@Five, Seven, and Two No I'm getting a fucking flamethrower and burning down the whole complex