Message from @SuperHeroDeluxe

Discord ID: 651439841426407426

2019-12-03 14:36:54 UTC  

they consider china and venezuela to be perfectly viable "goverments" and yet criticise any use of police force

2019-12-03 14:37:46 UTC  

once language has been transformed, and adopted by the masses, it feels like you are trying to convince a crazy person he is not Napoleon, like a lovecraft reality , nothing makes sense

2019-12-03 14:37:46 UTC  

They believe identity is socially constructed. So, they think if they call you a fascist then you magically are one.

2019-12-03 14:38:51 UTC  

I feel the US is strong enough to avoid a major fall, like what happens in the US, but i think thats at a federal level, I fully expect some states to fall into the same traps we did, Oregon, Washington and California come to mind

2019-12-03 14:46:44 UTC  

i want to see two primary things happen with trump in his second term, 1) two more supreme court seats and a few hundred more lower level judge appointments. 2) Major focus on debt and deficit reduction. Those two things will make it so i know socialists won't get their way here while i'm alive.

2019-12-03 14:48:06 UTC  

I don't think you can reduce deficit

2019-12-03 14:48:36 UTC  

Trump likes bieing liked, and those kind of measures are always unpopular

2019-12-03 14:49:10 UTC  

lol, he doesn't give a fuck if you like him, he pisses people off every day

2019-12-03 14:49:49 UTC  

he didn't win on popular vote even

2019-12-03 14:50:37 UTC  

he trolls people true,

2019-12-03 14:51:07 UTC  

but austere measures would hurt his base

2019-12-03 14:51:13 UTC  

he needs does rallies and shit

2019-12-03 14:51:37 UTC  

He has talked about doing a nickle plan in the Executive. If that happened 2nd term or Paul's plan in the legislature, I would be so happy....

2019-12-03 14:53:29 UTC  

trump is about to go after france with high tarrifs, macron is a moron, he doesn't understand trump at all

2019-12-03 14:54:09 UTC  

yeah, our wine and cheese prices may go through the roof in usa, but boohoohoo, eat wisconsin cheese and drink california wine

2019-12-03 14:57:55 UTC  

"nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism" that's retarded. without patriotism, there's no nationionalism. it's a totally stupid statement of his

2019-12-03 14:58:18 UTC  

shhhhhhhht, newspeak in the works

2019-12-03 15:03:10 UTC  

French wine is meh. More worried about Chile on the good wine front....

2019-12-03 15:08:27 UTC  

we need to take our ability to have clear definitions back. i keep seeing people talking about librards and how bad liberals. Those aren't actual liberals, they've hijacked the name. A liberal has central principles of free speech and right to assemble with whoever, very strong individualism. A better term for the problem people in the usa who want to take away our freedoms is LEFTY.

2019-12-03 15:09:21 UTC  

people call themselves liberals in one breath and then babble on about restricting and punishing all sorts of "hate" speech. they're not actual liberal

2019-12-03 15:09:59 UTC  

the right has absorbed a lot of that word confusion

2019-12-03 15:12:14 UTC  

classical liberals, for instance, are ok people and can rationally discuss their views. they don't start screaming FASCIST when their reasoning is challenged. Dave Rubin is an example of an intelligent liberal who will gladly debate his beliefs and rationally support them

2019-12-03 15:12:28 UTC  

i see no reason not to consider these people liberals

2019-12-03 15:12:29 UTC  

> "nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism" that's retarded

I think he merely means that nationalism betrays partiotism by taking it too far.

2019-12-03 15:14:24 UTC  

here is the full quote

2019-12-03 15:14:29 UTC  

“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism: nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism,” Macron said in a 20-minute address delivered from under the Arc de Triomphe to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.

2019-12-03 15:14:48 UTC  

"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism"?

2019-12-03 15:15:19 UTC  

Yeah, that ... that IS retarded.

2019-12-03 15:16:07 UTC  

that's why i'd give him a pass if something was lost in translation but no one ever tried to correct it from his side

2019-12-03 15:16:59 UTC  

I understand that Nationalism can go too far, when it goes extreme, it can power fascism.

2019-12-03 15:21:13 UTC  

or course, any idea that inspires people to action can taken too far can be bad

2019-12-03 16:29:36 UTC  

Does he maybe not understand the definition of the word? It also doesn't help that the word 'nationalist' has become so coupled with 'nazis'.

2019-12-03 16:29:45 UTC  

There's stupid and then there's... this

2019-12-03 16:29:50 UTC  

>exact opposite
That's the key part

2019-12-03 16:30:21 UTC  

Which led me to question whether or not he even understands what the word means...

2019-12-03 16:30:53 UTC  

I don't think there are many words in the dictionary that are too much closer in meaning, without being equal

2019-12-03 16:31:05 UTC  

Not the same words by any means, there are key differences

2019-12-03 16:31:07 UTC  

But very similar

2019-12-03 16:31:39 UTC  

Macron is saying something akin to "the sky is never blue"

2019-12-03 16:32:02 UTC  

I suppose if someone wants to be specific about it, a "nationalist" can be categorized as someone who believes their nation is superior to all other nations and a "patriot" is someone who is willing to protect/defend their nation from intruders and harm.