Message from @PurpleToad
Discord ID: 653118080205062144
It's some shady shit that the Bidens are doing
on Ukrainian servers
Which the Ukrainians CAN refuse, you know that, right?
I still have yet to receive a citation on the revocation of aid
@Smirk Supreme Inshallah
lmao do you watch the proceedings?
Can we be 100% sure that Trump revoking aid (that's IF he did) isn't due to some sort of ties to Russia he's trying to mend?
@PurpleToad Cite an article. I don't watch TV.
**Dont watch the live impeachment hearings and witness testimonies**
Here’s the problem- if Biden is guilty of corruption, and there’s *alot* of evidence to suggest that, it’s a weak argument to go after Trump for asking about it.
"Hurr durr watch TV"
If the crux of this is Trump asking to investigate a political rival - disprove the accusation first before declaring impeachment.
@PurpleToad Cite a source, buddy
@Tiberius the only reason why the debt rose so much under the obama administration is because he came into office during a recession
during the latter part of his term the deficit was kept quite low
republican administrations in general run bigger deficits than democratic ones
same holds true for trump now
now i don't think that's bad per se
the united states has to run deficits
as for the economic recovery that's hard to ascertain how much of it was a result of policy, i think the 2008 recession was the strongest since the great depression but again i suppose it's hard to determine how much of that is a result of policy
To an extent we do, to imply that Trump's deficit even comes close to Obamas is patently ridiculous.
well it's bigger
Our current deficit is not 1.2 trillion annually, and that didn't change much throughout the Obama administration,
when you look at the latter part of the obama admin
`Finally, we consider whether impeachment “nullifies” the last election or denies voters their voice in the next one`
Ah, this seems to prove that the Ukraine shit is just an extension of the Russia shit in the regards that it's desperate thrashing from Democrats who want to seriously believe that Trump could have only won with outside help.
It’s fair to point out that Obama came in on a recession in 2007 escalated by the housing market bubble. That resulted from Wall Street selling subsidized loans en mass before an inevitable crash in 2009.
It had this year because we've increased military spending
and i mean if we're comparing dems to republicans at least it would be worth pointing out that clinton probably bears a lot of responsibility for the 2007 recession
No, the recession is not a valid excuse, his policies created the slowest recovery since world war II
We've had a few recessions between then and now
It’s a stretch to accuse Clinton, he actually *paid off* the national deficit during his tenure.
Bush didnt even have much financial policy he spent 8 years trying to deal with the afternath of 9/11
i mean the deficit is going to rise during a recession
yeah the clinton surplus contributed to the recession
The only reason Obamas deficit fell was because Republicans took over the house and senate and stonewalled every thing he did
The deficit shrink was not Obamas doing
it is not actually good for a country like the united states to run a surplus
`Impeachable Treason`
`>In other words, a person commits treason if he uses armed force in an attempt to over throw the government, or if he knowingly gives aid and comfort to nations (or organizations) with which the United States is in a state of declared or open war.`
Seems like an odd charge to be levying against the President. Whom exactly is he aiding?
if you have a trade deficit and a gov surplus at the same time that necessarily means the private sector is a net borrower