Message from @Marushia Dark

Discord ID: 677544639150161940

2020-02-13 15:55:54 UTC  

Did you hear me say that?

2020-02-13 15:56:29 UTC  

This just means that children that the village rejects should be solved as a problem in a more permanent way

2020-02-13 15:56:30 UTC  

One sounds like a metaphor but ghost took it as literal

2020-02-13 15:56:55 UTC  

In the mind of the child - as far as they're concerned - it does. But obviously, that behavior cannot be tolerated. However, there is a better way to fix the problem and remove their *motivation* for doing that and avoid it being burned down or punishing the child.

2020-02-13 15:57:16 UTC  

Both in a literal and metaphorical way. Whether by literally burning the village (tho the rioting and violence by leftist or in this case, BLM groups have been documented on many instances) or burning the village down metaphorically by tearing society down as a whole.

2020-02-13 15:57:30 UTC  

You watched *Black Panther*, right?

2020-02-13 15:57:38 UTC  


2020-02-13 15:57:58 UTC  

Please don't tell me you're about to use a fing Marvel movie for your argument...

2020-02-13 15:58:05 UTC  

I mean most ways is basically stablize the Economy in these neighborhoods the other is basically try to fix the household of the Black Family in Cities

2020-02-13 15:58:10 UTC  

It's actually very nuanced.

2020-02-13 15:58:41 UTC  

Black families can only be fixed internally. Trying to guilt trip non-blacks into fixing a problem that is produced internally is an exercise of futility

2020-02-13 15:59:00 UTC  

I've volunteered in inner cities for 3 years until I got utterly red pilled

2020-02-13 15:59:26 UTC  

Well it really comes down to stop making the Government the Father for these people

2020-02-13 15:59:27 UTC  

it took three years?

2020-02-13 15:59:31 UTC  

From volunteering in the Junior Achievement programs to inner city Community Centers to running a nonprofit for 2 yrs, 1yr as VP and 1 yr as P to fundraise scholarships. It was an utter shit show

2020-02-13 15:59:34 UTC  

you have a stubborn mind

2020-02-13 15:59:38 UTC  

Yea well, I'm a slow learner lol

2020-02-13 15:59:54 UTC  

I kept hoping for the best and thinking I can help them or fine a gem here and there

2020-02-13 16:00:10 UTC  

I had enough after 3 yrs of failure

2020-02-13 16:00:21 UTC  

And then for the same community to call me a white supremacist? Yea no, fuck off

2020-02-13 16:00:30 UTC  

Ok, so, in your time volunteering, did you ever encounter people who were the victims of crime?

2020-02-13 16:01:10 UTC  

A quarter of them. One in particular that made me sick. Child was sexually abused by a mother's BF

2020-02-13 16:01:17 UTC  


2020-02-13 16:01:40 UTC  

So ... raping a child is obviously a horrible thing. Probably the *most* horrible thing, yes?

2020-02-13 16:01:52 UTC  

Yes. Get to the point

2020-02-13 16:02:10 UTC  

How did you interact with the child?

2020-02-13 16:02:36 UTC  

The most? no ... transitioning them is worse ... sexual trauma can be buried in memory and forgotten

2020-02-13 16:02:49 UTC  

transitioning can't

2020-02-13 16:02:54 UTC  

I did say probably

2020-02-13 16:03:21 UTC  

I was not told of which child. The section I was in was running activities and reading exercises for specific groups and then a rotation based on the group I'm assigned w/and their age. The child's identity was kept private/confidential and was an ongoing investigation. So us (the volunteers) have no idea who other than the 1 staff that reported the signs

2020-02-13 16:04:10 UTC  

We were merely told that we need to keep this as a private affair and that they are informed of a ongoing investigation. To also look for other signs for othe rkids at the group

2020-02-13 16:05:09 UTC  

Which serves as a function not just for confidentiality and privacy protection for the kid. But stops US, the volunteers from giving undue or overwhelming extra attention to the victim whereby making them feel different or uncomfortable from the group. This may be the only venue of equal treatment and normalcy for them.

2020-02-13 16:05:19 UTC  

Marching off a cliff but nobody has the common sense to yell "Stop!"

2020-02-13 16:05:42 UTC  
2020-02-13 16:06:18 UTC  

Ok so ... you didn't know this child was hurt. So if you were reading to the child and the child started acting up and misbehaving or breaking down into depression and not paying attention, or basically doing anything other than what the other kids were doing while you read to them ... your first instinct might be to tell them to get their act together, right?

But then, if you knew what they felt, how they were hurt, you'd treat them differently, right? You'd treat them with love and pity and sympathy and compassion, even though it's not your child, right? They're not *your* responsibility. You didn't do this to them, and maybe you'd forgive them if they told a grown-up off who wasn't understanding. Right?

2020-02-13 16:07:04 UTC  

They became my responsibility the moment I enlisted to volunteer. Way different scenario from engaging in a conversation w/an adult. This is an extreme form of false equivocation

2020-02-13 16:07:39 UTC  

But what about your nonexistent child's nonexistent feelings <:why:462286147473637407>

2020-02-13 16:07:41 UTC  

I knew full well what I was getting into. That wasn't my 1st rodeo

2020-02-13 16:07:49 UTC  

Maru, you're basically saying BLM are children, and I would technically agree with you.

2020-02-13 16:08:36 UTC  

To me it sounds more like treat them like children

2020-02-13 16:09:43 UTC  

Yes... we're going in circles atm around 1 overriding theme. They're children and are incapable of handling their emotions... which is probably the most benign explanation of their actions compared to the more malignant one, power grabbing