Message from @Ordis

Discord ID: 677544034360623148

2020-02-13 15:47:15 UTC  

Then they quickly shift goal posts or move onto something else because they cannot refute the data

2020-02-13 15:47:50 UTC  

As for Bernie Sanders, this dumpster fire is of their own making. They made it, they can now sleep in it

2020-02-13 15:51:18 UTC  

And I completely agree with you on the stats, but the stats are irrelevant because, again, that doesn't address the feeling part, which is ultimately what motivates them to action.

So, the way it was put to me is this ... supposing you have a child and the child comes to you and says they feel like you don't love them. That they don't matter to you. Are you gonna sit there and argue with them about, "Look at all the data I have, all the stats that show how much I care. I bought you 37 presents last Christmas and you've had six birthday parties ..."

No! That's not the way you deal with a problem like that. Instead, you give them a hug and tell your child you love them and of *course* they matter to you. They're the most important thing in the world to you ...

Now, I'm not saying you need to go hug these people and tell them they matter, but to just engage with them seriously as if they did, and listen to their complaints as if they mattered, even if you disagree with the content of the complaint. In fact, I think you'll find they'll be more amendable to listening to the stats if you can actually first engage them as an equal and as someone who feels hurt and needs people to listen to them vent.

2020-02-13 15:52:46 UTC  

... so they're either narcissitic power grabbers or children. LOL. You're not really helping their cause here

2020-02-13 15:53:26 UTC  

1) They're not my responsibility or child
2) If they're willing to commit violence on me or ppl I care about, I will fucking end them.
3) If they cannot be mature and act like an adult, they can get YEETED out of the mature society then.

2020-02-13 15:53:46 UTC  

he's saying be compassionate for the sake of compassion. It's an admirable stance, but even then, I don't reckon you can have the important conversation even if you befriend these people. @Marushia Dark @TheGhostAgent

2020-02-13 15:54:55 UTC  

My compassion is reserved for those who can show compassion themselves. Ppl like that only care about 1 thing and that is power by any means necessary. I've bashed my head against the wall enough times trying to 'win' them over to see a different perspective. I've batted 0. Appealing to both logic and emotion. Neither works.

2020-02-13 15:54:55 UTC  

Ghost, that's fine if you don't wanna take on that responsibility, because you're right - you're not responsible for them. But again, it's about empathy, and trying to put yourself in their shoes and understand how they feel and why they act the way that they do. So this is why I related it to your point about AA. It hurts because you're being judged on superficial characteristics and made to feel like those things that *should* matter *don't.*

2020-02-13 15:55:25 UTC  

My empathy is reserved for those who have the capacity themselves

2020-02-13 15:55:28 UTC  

Again, "the child the village rejects will return to burn it down to feel its warmth."

2020-02-13 15:55:43 UTC  

Yea, that absolutely justifies burning the village lol...

2020-02-13 15:55:54 UTC  

Did you hear me say that?

2020-02-13 15:56:29 UTC  

This just means that children that the village rejects should be solved as a problem in a more permanent way

2020-02-13 15:56:30 UTC  

One sounds like a metaphor but ghost took it as literal

2020-02-13 15:56:55 UTC  

In the mind of the child - as far as they're concerned - it does. But obviously, that behavior cannot be tolerated. However, there is a better way to fix the problem and remove their *motivation* for doing that and avoid it being burned down or punishing the child.

2020-02-13 15:57:16 UTC  

Both in a literal and metaphorical way. Whether by literally burning the village (tho the rioting and violence by leftist or in this case, BLM groups have been documented on many instances) or burning the village down metaphorically by tearing society down as a whole.

2020-02-13 15:57:30 UTC  

You watched *Black Panther*, right?

2020-02-13 15:57:38 UTC  


2020-02-13 15:57:58 UTC  

Please don't tell me you're about to use a fing Marvel movie for your argument...

2020-02-13 15:58:05 UTC  

I mean most ways is basically stablize the Economy in these neighborhoods the other is basically try to fix the household of the Black Family in Cities

2020-02-13 15:58:10 UTC  

It's actually very nuanced.

2020-02-13 15:58:41 UTC  

Black families can only be fixed internally. Trying to guilt trip non-blacks into fixing a problem that is produced internally is an exercise of futility

2020-02-13 15:59:00 UTC  

I've volunteered in inner cities for 3 years until I got utterly red pilled

2020-02-13 15:59:26 UTC  

Well it really comes down to stop making the Government the Father for these people

2020-02-13 15:59:27 UTC  

it took three years?

2020-02-13 15:59:31 UTC  

From volunteering in the Junior Achievement programs to inner city Community Centers to running a nonprofit for 2 yrs, 1yr as VP and 1 yr as P to fundraise scholarships. It was an utter shit show

2020-02-13 15:59:34 UTC  

you have a stubborn mind

2020-02-13 15:59:38 UTC  

Yea well, I'm a slow learner lol

2020-02-13 15:59:54 UTC  

I kept hoping for the best and thinking I can help them or fine a gem here and there

2020-02-13 16:00:10 UTC  

I had enough after 3 yrs of failure

2020-02-13 16:00:21 UTC  

And then for the same community to call me a white supremacist? Yea no, fuck off

2020-02-13 16:00:30 UTC  

Ok, so, in your time volunteering, did you ever encounter people who were the victims of crime?

2020-02-13 16:01:10 UTC  

A quarter of them. One in particular that made me sick. Child was sexually abused by a mother's BF

2020-02-13 16:01:17 UTC  


2020-02-13 16:01:40 UTC  

So ... raping a child is obviously a horrible thing. Probably the *most* horrible thing, yes?

2020-02-13 16:01:52 UTC  

Yes. Get to the point

2020-02-13 16:02:10 UTC  

How did you interact with the child?

2020-02-13 16:02:36 UTC  

The most? no ... transitioning them is worse ... sexual trauma can be buried in memory and forgotten

2020-02-13 16:02:49 UTC  

transitioning can't

2020-02-13 16:02:54 UTC  

I did say probably