Message from @A Big Gay Baby

Discord ID: 662787885656703011

2020-01-03 22:37:22 UTC  

At least Ted Cruz was wholesome and is a genuine constitution conservative <:why:462286147473637407>

2020-01-03 22:37:24 UTC  

it depends what Trump does

2020-01-03 22:37:52 UTC  

Ted Cruz going so far to promote a term limit that would have ended his career

2020-01-03 22:38:27 UTC  

It seems the sir strike was in retaliation for the storming of the American Embassy

2020-01-03 22:38:33 UTC  

in Baghdad

2020-01-03 22:38:40 UTC  

by Iranians

2020-01-03 22:38:43 UTC  

it's in retaliation for a lot of things

2020-01-03 22:38:49 UTC  

Iran has a habit of taking the piss

2020-01-03 22:39:12 UTC  

We need Ron Paul to become President

2020-01-03 22:39:20 UTC  

The only reason that this isn't a big deal is that the strike was in Baghdad

2020-01-03 22:39:30 UTC  

Or another Libertarian type

2020-01-03 22:39:31 UTC  

That guy had no reason to be there during what was going on.

2020-01-03 22:39:51 UTC  

The embassy attack had nothing to do with Iran

2020-01-03 22:39:56 UTC  

It was done protesters

2020-01-03 22:40:04 UTC  

Protesting what

2020-01-03 22:40:21 UTC  

American Drones dropping bombs on their country

2020-01-03 22:40:35 UTC  

we droned Iran

2020-01-03 22:40:38 UTC  

not iraq

2020-01-03 22:41:19 UTC  

it was Iranian influenced "protesters"

2020-01-03 22:41:38 UTC  

the same way antifa are "protesters"

2020-01-03 22:42:25 UTC  

I don't have any hard evidence to back this up but intelligence in the region is way better than it used to be.

2020-01-03 22:42:43 UTC  

the fact that this guy got blapped is a show of that

2020-01-03 22:43:04 UTC  

They were protesting the US bombing an Iran-backed militia group in Iraq

2020-01-03 22:43:15 UTC  

well there you go

2020-01-03 22:44:30 UTC  

let's imagine there were french militia groups in the UK and germany bombed them, then french supporters stormed the german embassy in the UK.

2020-01-03 22:44:53 UTC  

is that Brits or French interests at work?

2020-01-03 22:45:18 UTC  

Let's say the head french general was in London at the time of the storming

2020-01-03 22:45:25 UTC  

would that look fishy?

2020-01-03 22:46:42 UTC  

Just because it benefits Iran doesn't necessarily mean that Iran planned it

2020-01-03 22:47:39 UTC  

True, but building plausible deniablity into any covert action is the first thing you do.

2020-01-03 22:48:13 UTC  

The Iranians are already in row-back mode

2020-01-03 22:48:33 UTC  

Iran and Iraq hate each other, having Iranian backed anything in Iraq is not for the benefit of Iraq.

2020-01-03 22:55:15 UTC  

Don't Iran basically control the Iraq parliament at this point?

2020-01-03 23:29:25 UTC  

its 5 now

2020-01-03 23:29:31 UTC  

one of them resurrected i guess

2020-01-03 23:30:11 UTC  

Exactly how is this different than Russian or US air strikes in Syria?

2020-01-03 23:31:07 UTC  

Because the US is already dangerously close to a war with Iran

2020-01-03 23:31:26 UTC  

how close is dangerously close?

2020-01-03 23:31:42 UTC  

like they are going to hop in their speed boats and invade california close?