Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 671856121732136981

2020-01-28 21:59:43 UTC  

Just 20% or so hardcore remainers

2020-01-28 22:00:01 UTC  

Depends on the leader but I think labour in future will just try and campaign for a “better post brexit future for the many”

2020-01-28 22:00:09 UTC  

granted, 3 polls wont mean anything in 5 years time at the next election, but the second boris bounce is impressive

2020-01-28 22:00:30 UTC  

After 20 years out politics will have normalised

2020-01-28 22:01:45 UTC  

Yes, though they've been vocally pro further EU integration and for giving up our special conditions since before there was any talk of the referendum @Hopix , surprisingly we're able to have civil conversations about politics usually, though we have to agree to disagree on Brexit because we know neither of us is budging towards the other at all.

2020-01-28 22:56:32 UTC  

Remainers don't care about the country, or it's people

2020-01-28 22:56:39 UTC  

That's what you need to come to terms with

2020-01-28 23:05:10 UTC  

This article is why @Kunarian and similar's position on welfare are untennable in the real world

2020-01-28 23:06:33 UTC  

Stories like this seem to be getting more and more frequent

2020-01-28 23:06:43 UTC  

It chimes with my experience of the DWP

2020-01-28 23:06:59 UTC  

And is why i'm against the obsession with means-testing and taking people's support away

2020-01-28 23:07:12 UTC  

ANd why I want something more akin to universal basic welfare

2020-01-28 23:07:50 UTC  

The problem is that they want to ensure that no one is receiving welfare who doesn't need it, But the policy they use to find out is far too strict

2020-01-28 23:08:25 UTC  

The main problem is just cost

2020-01-28 23:08:33 UTC  

Welfare already costs a lot

2020-01-28 23:08:51 UTC  

extending a basic level of welfare to everyone would cost a lot more

2020-01-28 23:13:53 UTC  

Wherenever you have to make a decision on that, there will be people who are fucked over by that decision

2020-01-28 23:14:02 UTC  

Which is why you -must- remove the decision

2020-01-28 23:16:21 UTC  

To be fair to the DWP in this case the person did not attend multiple DWP fit-for-work tests which especially in our current welfare system we can't really allow due to the abuse of the system that it would lead to

2020-01-28 23:17:14 UTC  

Lol I dunno how you think that is my position on welfare @Eccles

2020-01-28 23:17:56 UTC  

Also I still find it funny that people want to remove decisions but then pay people like this peanuts

2020-01-28 23:18:24 UTC  

The problem in these cases is not that they're being paid peanuts, it's that they're having those peanuts removd

2020-01-28 23:18:47 UTC  

We should have some kind of UBI system

2020-01-28 23:19:25 UTC  


2020-01-28 23:19:34 UTC  

Then these stories would evaporate

2020-01-28 23:19:43 UTC  

Because while we can't have people claiming benefits that they are not entitled to we also can't have a system that just completely cuts off people's sole sources of income

2020-01-28 23:22:21 UTC  

I seem to recall you objecting to UBI on the grounds of the lack of means and entitlement testing, Kunarian

2020-01-28 23:22:38 UTC  

THough I confess, I might be confusing you with someone else on account of being old and forgetful

2020-01-28 23:38:37 UTC  

UBI is wrong

2020-01-28 23:38:48 UTC  

largely because it cannot actually be funded

2020-01-28 23:38:57 UTC  

and also the fact that it takes from the poorest

2020-01-28 23:39:03 UTC  

to spread amongst those who don't need it

2020-01-28 23:39:10 UTC  

it also doesn't target need

2020-01-28 23:39:23 UTC  

single people should not be entitled to the same amount as a family

2020-01-28 23:39:36 UTC  

and the disabled need more than those who aren't disabled

2020-01-28 23:39:49 UTC  

targeting is means-testing

2020-01-28 23:39:59 UTC  

because you are testing what they need

2020-01-28 23:43:12 UTC  

What you're essentially saying then it is inevitable that vulnerable people will die and suffer

2020-01-28 23:43:25 UTC  

And that's a price worth paying to ensure people who don't need support don't get it