Message from @Divinity

Discord ID: 681606392859066395

2020-02-24 18:15:56 UTC  


2020-02-24 18:22:58 UTC  

Build the helicopter

2020-02-24 18:28:48 UTC  

```Since the emergence of COVID-19 we have seen instances of public stigmatization among specific populations, and the rise of harmful stereotypes. Stigmatization could potentially contribute to more severe health problems, ongoing transmission, and difficulties controlling infectious diseases during an epidemic.Please see the Subject in Focus section for more information on how to counter stigmatizing attitudes ``` <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Pandemic <:smugon:512048583806025739> time! 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀 <:CrabRave:590859147541741583> 🦀

2020-02-24 19:56:33 UTC  

>Stigmas against certain ethnic groups
Just like Post-9/11 USA <:powerful:595334910764515338>

2020-02-24 19:59:16 UTC  

Who would have guessed

2020-02-24 20:01:11 UTC  

A massive terror attack killing thousands perpetraded by one ethnic group against another and a pandemic killing hundreds of thousands covered up by the Chinese government and WHO makes people feel less happy about those groups of people

2020-02-24 20:01:42 UTC  

No one could have expected that outcome

2020-02-24 20:01:54 UTC  

Its a complete mystery why it happens

```"The damage that the smallpox virus has done to mankind is horrific and enormous, which is why we think it's so important to understand more about the poxviruses and how they operate," Buller said. "The more knowledge we have, the better we should be able to cope with other major viruses and diseases in the future."``` <:smugon:512048583806025739> smallpox the boi



2020-02-24 20:41:27 UTC  

Finally someone standing up to the ZOG

2020-02-24 21:00:27 UTC  

time to lose funding

2020-02-24 21:07:18 UTC  

But but mah jews

2020-02-24 21:07:41 UTC  

Is this like pol pot mark 2?

2020-02-24 21:42:02 UTC  

Good video 👆 watch it if you can

2020-02-24 21:58:54 UTC  


2020-02-24 21:59:03 UTC  

he can't, he's a cuck

2020-02-24 21:59:29 UTC  

he probably doesn't even want to, he only wants them to not bomb his gated community

2020-02-24 22:01:00 UTC

2020-02-24 22:12:40 UTC

2020-02-24 22:14:23 UTC

```In the Hessian town of Volkmarsen, a car drove into a Monday Monday train. At least thirteen people, including children, are said to have been injured.

2020-02-24 22:17:52 UTC
Guns, Snapchat and THC: Police Detail How a Possible Drug Deal Turned Fatal

2020-02-24 22:17:58 UTC
3 Suspects Now Charged in Drug-Linked Killing of Maryland Teen

2020-02-24 22:19:50 UTC  

im sure the murder only occurred due to socioeconomic circumstances, and the influence of systemic racism

2020-02-24 22:22:04 UTC  


2020-02-24 22:22:19 UTC  

Like Maryland?

2020-02-24 22:22:49 UTC  

`Belasco, Qawwee and 17-year-old suspect Darryl Freeman`

2020-02-24 22:22:52 UTC  

ah i see

2020-02-24 22:23:52 UTC  

```Officials said they texted each other two days prior, with one asking, "Where are the sweet licks?" in an apparent reference to committing a robbery.```