Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 288378843163787275
Days without being called a nazi in school: 0
surrogacy + single father imo is superior
everyone has been convinced that theyre a special snowflake so they no longer do anything to differentiate themselves
no whiny emotional teaching whatsoever
Thanks captain mgtow
You know there are women who redpill themselves? I know they're rare goldmines but... I know one in particular personally
Its hard to redpill a woman
They must be mutated genetically, for superiority against most women
They are so fucking retarded in most cases
Mgtow is dumb
call it what you will, but i guarantee a child with a mom that whines incessently due to a lack of potato farming to do, that grows up in an estrogen soup when his genes are turned for moving out at 15, will be at a disadvantage to a male that was never taught noble lies or weakness as a concept.
MGTOW is dumb, insofar as its disdain for the future of the West
Gotta breed to continue the white race fool
its indictment of women however is spot-on
Women are more apolitical than mens
@Miomio they vote based on trends however, and they do vote. Worse than their influence weakens men.
I'm inclined to disagree, actually. Save for one point.
Privatize everything, ban taxes
Molom Labe
See, there's a point of no return. The moment you drink the cool aid, on whatever side, and just believe everything that your trusted group says to you you've become a sheep.
No matter what your stance.
No taxes fixes the female problem instantly
no state to run to
women will never do this regardless of trends because they have a net gain in money from taxes as a whole
Abolish the state
Full anarchocap
it doesnt fix their influence problem though. Imo mothers have a deminishing return after the kid can survive long hunts.
Abolish minimum fucking wage
Prices would be so fucking low
If some dickhole company sells their shit at a high price, a consumer boycott will rape them
>no taxes
But how state will be even exist without taxes?
Price fixing is actually still a big issue
boycott meme is a good one
Nuh. You can't immediately drop it, or immediately raise it. That shit has to b e gradual Casimir.
the free market will fix the price fixing issue
it assumes there is a racial composition with an IQ that can conceptualize the point of a boycott
No government borders, only OUR borders. Will it work?