Discord ID: 107995222855659520
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Reckon I'd be good for Anticom? I used to be in the UDA
Not autistic if we don't act autistic
This is some next level aussie shitposting like
What's the general consensus of Northern Ireland around here?
Antifa is in Northern Ireland aswell
But they are very very small
Infact theres a massive conservative majority over here
Like the DUP
Sinn Fein are fucking scum
I tear down all leftist campaign posters I see
Any of you guys know Milton Friedman?
Calm down charles
We can remove kebab later ❤
I wish there was some sort of big Pro-Capitalism movement among the youth
Why is capitalism seen as bad?
It's so god damn good
Freer the market, the freer the people
Government intervention results in crony capitalism
charles this isnt 900AD
ITS 2016
Legit though Unregulated capitalism is great
I'll just fire my recreational nukes at ANTIFA for violating the NAP
I own a small restaraunt
dont fucking say it charles
hush child
Why did Gary Johnson even run
He's a joke to us Libertarians
social nationalism you mean charles
he was Libertarian alright
But god damn
Gary man
Jesus christ
Because he shines as a beacon of rising nationalism
>being worried about liberals
Monarchism is great aswell
Monarchism is actually great
It's proven to work
Kaiser Willy Two ❤
Changed muh name
We've already tried
I've talked to actual communists
Tried to actually explain why their ideology doesn't work
But they refuse to consider
It's like talking to a wall
My ideology does work however
At least, theres empirical evidence
<@277114927318040576> Are you a classical Liberal?
I don't like Fascism personallty
But I don't like modern liberalism either
Or anything on the left
They have devolved into mere cattle
Useful idiots
Oh really?
Have we went out and rioted?
Have we damaged property, costing thousands?
Have we assaulted many in riots?
*Listens to s few communist songs* wow omg i love communism now
Twitter is just another useless shoutbox
I never use it
Anything is nazi to leftists
Liberal, it's good that you are here
It's best that theres always someone to challenge our belief
If we have no one to challenge our beliefs, we are collectively a hive mind
It's good that there is a mix of opinions
Because again, if we all had a common belief
We'd be living in some sort of 1984 world
Go ahead
I'll just hire some McMercenaries™ and Royal Burger King Guardsmen™ to kill you
But really though
Monarchism is the best ism
Aaaand I'm back
How are ya goys
Nice nice
Can Anti-Com exist in Northern Ireland?
I may as well set it up
Antifa is also a thing in Northern Ireland
No mic atm
I'll listen in or whatever
I shall send you a link to Belfast Antifa
(Belfast being the capital of Northern Ireland)
These guys regularly spray paint their shitty fucking symbol everywhere
Vandalisation constantly
Any of you know National Action?
I used to be aprt of them before they were declared a terror orginization
I have many, many informants in Nation Action
We are
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