Discord ID: 277052949811822592
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What is up faggots, what do you actually do
Then why be against antifa if you guys do the same thing?
Oh I see, ur only pretending to be faggot
Do we have organization you fucking facist
Sieg heil
I would destroy your tight boipucci desu
Dont be a degenerate >->
Cute tbqh famalam, post moar
NSFW warning next time pls, almost was seen
Daily reminder that liberal degenerate is probably a leaf
Anyone else see that minuteman bullshit? I smell (((them)))
Seconded @GoGo
@karling natsoc?
@Ulstรจr-Scotch elective monarchy for the sin
Anyone on?
Nice, its real quiet on the chat rn, wonder whats on?
Mustve missed that, what happened?
Everybody? You would think there would be some 18U who didn't have that? I don't prep till the day of.
What state are you from anyway my dude
@Mr.Fantasy#7858 which part dude
@Mr.Fantasy#7858 Im in nassu county
Jesus I'm watching the joe rogan 911 podcast with alex jones and fucking eddie bravo is a piece of shit bluepileld faggot who keeps interupting alex, and it's pissing me off.
Im just a NEET with a big heart, pride in my culture, and a shitload of memes
@Mr.Fantasy - NY I believe in nationalism wholeheartedly, and I love my country more then anything else and it pains me to see it in the state that its in. Trump has given my hope, 4chan gave me a place to talk about it without being ostracized, and now this group, which I hope comes through, will give me a means of doing something about it.
@stat I believe that if cultures segrate themselves, like what you see in inner cities in the US then that is fine but I think as long as people of other creeds and colors assimilate into our culture, obey our laws, and take part in their community there is no reason too. Furthermore, I believe that any person, regardless of race, has the talent and desire to serve their communities and their country they should not be stopped from doing so because it would be a waste of talent. On the other hand, those who are unwilling to support us in our nation and are leeches to oiur society should be cast out without hesitation.
@kingbobo not from either, but absolutely disgusting
@kingbobo Same here, but we can't retaliate physically. As we all know, violence against them is what they want, and will only help them. It's not the answer in this case. We have to fight smarter, not harder, as the old saying goes.
@kingbobo Nassau county, Long Island
Long Island can be hostile territory, but there a lot of people hidden in the cracks
Hey dudes I just found mein kampf at a local independent bookstore
@Percival no, it was behind the front desk and obscured, i didnt call attention or buy it, i was with others, but there were at least two copies that I saw
I think meetups in bigger states should be divided, I'm limited in how far I can go in NY, I can't easily get past NYC, much less drive hours all the way upstate and back regularly. Im sure upstaters can say the same.
Also- I would imagine meetups in certain states ought to only happen when there are enough in the area, ya know?
@kingbobo why not crack it?
@Extra Crispy which part of ny are you from?
@Extra Crispy why on earth do you live there??
@Extra Crispy fair enough, I would say the same about where I am now (nassau county LI)
@tripplethrendo Still watching it, currently at 1:44:16, downloaded just in case
@James where you from
@Katon Nassau county LI
@Ulstรจr-Scotch to the tune of?
do we have any composers?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylyqoxh-cXk how about this?
Do we have memebership requirements?
No robots!?
What is this alt right I keep hearing about, sounds made up to me?
also @Rasenemus it says bodybuilding and fitness in two different columns
@Rasenemus I feel like it might be too specific, because most of us probable differ widely in opinion after you get deeper than the umbrella ideology, and even then not all of fall under it
@Rasenemus Wish /pol/ wasnt so constantly flooded with shills and jew plants tbqh
then we could shitpost in peace
@Cassius >the hacker known as 4chan
@Rasenemus Not enough saging tbqh, we gotta police /pol/ alot better
@Haupstรผrmfuhrer Pepe >they were special suits to protect from all the winning
@misterfoxy Have you ever actually tried to redpill someone? I've been trying with my qt3.14 gf and just trying to get into what needs to be said is ridiculously hard. Imagine trying this shit with the masses. It just isnt feesable.
@Hernรกn Cortรฉs (((alt-right)))
weve been infiltrated by jewish plants
@Click kek
@Ulstรจr-Scotch >rothschilds bow to the bogdanoffs
I can smell (((them)))
@Ulstรจr-Scotch He is retarded, and a (((plant)))
probably a money tree
@Ulstรจr-Scotch what is controlled opposition?
good night my sides
@Ulstรจr-Scotch BTFO'd by >> @Click
@natcapistan and im >literally shaking
@Burnside beat me to it fuck
my fucking jimmies rn u guys
>purple square beta male
@Ulstรจr-Scotch shut it down
this entire anti antifa is anti anti group
they think?
Am I in right place fellow polacks?
petition to use fash wave as our propaganda
Zyclon B careful lads
@Ulstรจr-Scotch no to the trap or fashwave
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