Message from @EcoDIckmcgee
Discord ID: 288379470350516224
Taxation is theft
Molom Labe
See, there's a point of no return. The moment you drink the cool aid, on whatever side, and just believe everything that your trusted group says to you you've become a sheep.
No matter what your stance.
No taxes fixes the female problem instantly
no state to run to
women will never do this regardless of trends because they have a net gain in money from taxes as a whole
Abolish the state
Full anarchocap
it doesnt fix their influence problem though. Imo mothers have a deminishing return after the kid can survive long hunts.
Abolish minimum fucking wage
Prices would be so fucking low
If some dickhole company sells their shit at a high price, a consumer boycott will rape them
>no taxes
But how state will be even exist without taxes?
Price fixing is actually still a big issue
boycott meme is a good one
Nuh. You can't immediately drop it, or immediately raise it. That shit has to b e gradual Casimir.
the free market will fix the price fixing issue
it assumes there is a racial composition with an IQ that can conceptualize the point of a boycott
Novolog and humalog up their prices 3% at regular intervals
Freer the market the freer the people
"ok EVERYONE agree we sell rune scims for 32k not a penny less OK"
"Muh freemarket" is not the solution to everything numbnuts
That's the thing with Trusts
Consumers will decide the price of things
Yes, because doesn't everyone love fucking toll roads everywhere?
no borders = end of society
They trust eachother to not drop prices
@Miomio So we need taxes
Yes we fucking need fucking taxes
No borders is the absolute dumbest idea in history.
Minimal taxes
>pay for the roads you use instead of the roads you dont use but pay for through taxes