Message from @queenarchitect
Discord ID: 344331652417323010
how do you quote tweet reply anyway
i copied link and replied conservadad made a funny
thats a good pun
gender fluid is a mental illness incase you didnt understand
replacing the gender fluid is like a car thing hehe
very good pun
can you explain more
smh you didn't even specify that you have to flush the system you can't just top it off
Why didn't he say tranny mechanic?
Double pun
I like how the shits are so scared of it they canceled the permit.
can someone please explain to me what has been going on? I've been busy
Permit for Charlottesville was cancelled
But the shows still happening anyway
I understood they imposed a time-place-manner restriction permit putting the event outside downtown ostensible because the crowd is estimated at 8000 people
then they need to cancel the antifa permits
not ours
They wont
All this talk about going un armed and unarmored seems to be for naught
If I am rumbling with reds, I want my stab vest, glaves and helmet
Armor will get you tagged with a felony
@queenarchitect the police have to they don't want ourgoys btfoing antifa in the streets in a berkely like scenario.
VA laws.
Yall niggas need sum needle guards an sheeit.
@Victor Bravo just make sure your abs are ripped.
I reviewed the laws, I am not sure of that conclusion. A helmet or at least a bump cap cannot be treated as a deadly weapon
body armor will get you tagged with a felony, the helmet won't AFAIK
Why is body armor a felony?
Like bullet vest?
You get arrested "in commision of a crime" wearing body armor, it gets escalated to a felony
Dont commit crimes
It is considered premeditation