Message from @☇Unlimited Power☇
Discord ID: 344332827598258178
the police are willing to work with us as if we had a permit
I understood they imposed a time-place-manner restriction permit putting the event outside downtown ostensible because the crowd is estimated at 8000 people
then they need to cancel the antifa permits
not ours
They wont
All this talk about going un armed and unarmored seems to be for naught
If I am rumbling with reds, I want my stab vest, glaves and helmet
Armor will get you tagged with a felony
@queenarchitect the police have to they don't want ourgoys btfoing antifa in the streets in a berkely like scenario.
VA laws.
Yall niggas need sum needle guards an sheeit.
@Victor Bravo just make sure your abs are ripped.
I reviewed the laws, I am not sure of that conclusion. A helmet or at least a bump cap cannot be treated as a deadly weapon
body armor will get you tagged with a felony, the helmet won't AFAIK
Why is body armor a felony?
Like bullet vest?
You get arrested "in commision of a crime" wearing body armor, it gets escalated to a felony
Dont commit crimes
It is considered premeditation
Yeah, good luck with the shitlib judges and DA
also, ive heard sunglasses + hat is considered masking, so pick only one
You're just giving them more ammo
hat and sunglasses? I've not heard that at all
Better judged by 12 than carried by six
if you care going, please listen to your chain of command for final word on these things tho
yeah and I'm not deviating from that at all
The law talks about body armor plut a knife or gun
Body armor is generally considered a no go. In the end it's up to you, but I would not advise it
If antifa are caught stabbing people they cant claim you were premeditating a crime
If they arent the chances of you being arrested are slim to none.
The entire situation on the ground has changed with less than a week to go
Cuntville really fucked us
Yes, it has.
Yes, and they will fuck you even harder in court if you give them a reason
Like unlawfully assembling in a park
You're right, I am being a black pill
I seriously doubt they arrest 1000ish people
I apologize