Message from @Commodvs Detritvs
Discord ID: 348364134091587587
Beautiful day today
oy vey nazis on my servers
Not sure. Some legal rule about transfering a domain twice or something
Google is a bunch of faggots for what they did
they did this to prevent the streisand effect from giving ds millions of new readers
Weev I think has explained it all on Gab
Anglin is posting on gab again too
I have a bottle of this... it good
I forgot a few corps when I made that meme
Didn't know if I should put Uber in there either
Idgi ^^
damn white allys getting all the media sympathy
@HeliRidesOfPeace ok cupid and bumble now too. Bumble has 'joined forces with the adl'
It begins
What does make her nose soft mean?
"That Guy T" keeps changing his name 😆
I am fuckin DED
In total the Rebel has hemorrhaged 11.5k subs
Weev needs to get this bitch next
Fucking christcucks
That kid dindun nuffin
I wanna slam that prissy cunt at the end of that video's nose in
so did the cop
so much for just keeping our mouths shut when others on the Right go hard