Message from @Vic_Mackey
Discord ID: 352321041173053441
@Eli Mosley Vertical Integration = Best Integration
No, it's a pyramid scheme... because we wuz kangs!
harvey was a white lash
that image really made me think.
>he hasn't gone full bowl
If you do show up to beat up antifa, do it dressed as a normie.
@Brad Small - how's Uni?
Joe Rogan did a podcast with that fat stupid nigger that interviewed Spencer that one time. The problem with people like Rogan is that they got to benefit from a white society and made their money. They no longer have skin in the game, so they can virtue signal all day. He doesn't know what it's like to grow up now.
Rogan is insufferable
Well again, it must be nice to have benefited from the white society that you are denying the next generation.
rootbocks is being called suspicious btw
by hatreon
it could just be competition, however, i trust cody wilson
Good lisa
Disregard RootBocks, Acquire RoofBucks
Root means "fuck" and "bang" in Aus
i think they've rebranded as goyfundme
Y'all have your minds in the gutter lol
okay, so hatreon.
We are down under
Upsidedownland, where the toilets flush the wrong way
That's incorrect, I've tested it
Maybe I need to get my water tested
Just waiting for my bus to take me to the airport
You lads are alright don't go to your local synagogue today