Message from @Ruggwain
Discord ID: 461551433368600576
damage caused to the bridge and surrounding bits and bobs
and a view of the VLS itself from the casing after being made safe (as possible)
Long gone are the times of the German War Machine
These days they have to investigate the G36 and Heckler&Koch on suspicion of causing deaths by friendly fire through firing near sideways
not heard about it
Basically we equipped our soldiers with the Heckler&Koch G36 for the war in Afghanistan and subsequent years of German troops staying there
and like 3 years ago they figured out that when the weapon heats up
it starts shooting at absolutely ridiculous sideways angles
what kind of temperatures/rate of fire are you talking about before this presents itself?
I'm a eurofag I have no idea
I should look it up
seems kinda nuts
I mean that's literally ballistic issues with rounds/rifling of barrels surely?
or barrels warping under extreme heat? I don't fuckin know
aye never heard of that before
lol ironic really because the british army uses HK a lot, and they did fix 99% of the issues with the SA80
seems as if a lot of the german army stock hasn't rotated into refits/upgrades in a while
The g36 will be replaced
So relax
@Fulcrum010 It still went on for more than a decade like that
Well yeah but you still don't shoot them
nah, you just get shot instead
@Deleted User
Baraban has a point, in the military I GUESS you need 100% confirmation of a threat before you shoot
It depends on ROE which is theater and operation dependent