Message from @erz1871
Discord ID: 354362310300663811
Fat or just big boned??
FUCK is that
Laura Loomer ??
Bullycided into nose job
Oy vey now she can get all the goys
oh thats a nose job holy
that is disgusting
nuke mexico
@queenarchitect does that aisle say anime wear
no lol
damn i was about to move to ur sisters old room for real
Jones finally snaps
About time
Loving this midnight special series
i recently got around to listening to old white rabbit podcasts, and its amazing to think that "white genocide" was basically the work of 2 guys working diligently over a decade or more
Those animations are great
holy shit
did you catch that
at 9:04 jones DROPS IT
he doesnt say "western" but white
he speaks truth and slips
then stops for the blink of an eye and catches himself
White genocide as meme:
10+ years ago: WNs"omg its too hardcore"
5 years ago: WNs"yeah OK maybe its OK"
normies "doesn't seem likely"
2016-17: Congress references it, liberals denounce it on TV, normies talk openly about it, A Jones talks about it,
ye, we just have to make it acceptable to say white and not "western"
people and not "culture"
i wonder if my sobran meme is what gave spectre the idea for his opening monologue
Gains Genocide: still too edgy
im dropping the "great fall" whenever i talk about the obvious decline of the west
make it spread like homos spread grids
Yes everybody is equally miserable
is that real lol
LEL, Vox is fucking stupid sometimes