Message from @Zorost
Discord ID: 354364119702437889
@queenarchitect does that aisle say anime wear
no lol
damn i was about to move to ur sisters old room for real
Jones finally snaps
About time
Loving this midnight special series
i recently got around to listening to old white rabbit podcasts, and its amazing to think that "white genocide" was basically the work of 2 guys working diligently over a decade or more
Those animations are great
holy shit
did you catch that
at 9:04 jones DROPS IT
he doesnt say "western" but white
he speaks truth and slips
then stops for the blink of an eye and catches himself
White genocide as meme:
10+ years ago: WNs"omg its too hardcore"
5 years ago: WNs"yeah OK maybe its OK"
normies "doesn't seem likely"
2016-17: Congress references it, liberals denounce it on TV, normies talk openly about it, A Jones talks about it,
ye, we just have to make it acceptable to say white and not "western"
people and not "culture"
Gains Genocide: still too edgy
im dropping the "great fall" whenever i talk about the obvious decline of the west
make it spread like homos spread grids
Yes everybody is equally miserable
is that real lol
LEL, Vox is fucking stupid sometimes
Most of the time
get it, cuz hes a manlet
He's a faggot
>alt retard
He's cerno and pissobiec tier.
oh boy, he sure is not in the least insecure about his intellect as a mystery meat person
he a triracial good boi
he dindu nuffin dum
anglin's posting seems like multiple people because it differs depending his vape levels
@erz1871 that's really what it boils down to