Message from @Uberhat
Discord ID: 306596737710292993
This channel is intended to be used as a designated area to discuss and store chants, slogans, etc for all of our field <#300814538519871488> particularly those involving counter-protestors, or antifa types.
Jew lies matter
Hey hey, ho ho, shut it down da goyim know
Blue pilled shills
Trust fund commies off our streets
Take a shower πππππ
Fuck these commie antifags, send them home in body bags (approximately, lost the post) -Black Hat
For BLM everyone seems to like "Kike Lies Matter," I'm personally a fan of saying White Lives Matter
Signage ideas:
1) free speech
2) protect the environment
3) end class warfare
4) end jewish supremacy
5) loving yourself is not hate
6) Love White babies
7) defend Americanism .
Subversive signs so media calls us Nazis and public thinks "hmmm those Nazis are baaaaaased".
8) da goyim know *now classic
9) end global war
10) being White is not a crime
Hey hey ho ho immigrants have got to go
Rape enablers hate women
During the time I was receiving threats from antifa, (and saw them downtown) I went on a stroll to deft them and found weak ass liberal propaganda
Pretty sure Weiden is a jew. If so, you could label him appropriately and reverse weaponize their propaganda.
Ill consider that
we r illluminatΦs rounds now