Message from @beornmod
Discord ID: 306561276782575618
@blackhat 16 Would you prefer to have a dedicated thread?
No I just want to have an indicator in the db that a given target is a jewrnalist, but thanks!
I sorta already do
but yeah
@Uberhat can we have an #infrastructure channel to discuss databases and such?
@beornmod I got you fam. Also deleted unnecessary #north andc #south channels
ty fam
While I have you here any idea where @Artair is so I can set up his role?
southern or I believe
I'll change it to that for now and update it later if requested
Is <#306559768712183809> intended to be used for electronic resources, organizing platforms and such?
That's what I intended it for
until we have actual physical infrastructure lol
Yup yup just wanted to make sure
more for platforms, not content. Content goes to <#301458920990572546>
Yup that's what I figured, it's a useful distinction so I see the need for it. Wanted to make sure before I went posting in there.
I can sperg about my shit in there and not shit up the other channels lol
Can someone get the info for [REDACTED] Retard [REDACTED] from the faceberg live stream, also report his comments. This cock boy basically threatened us all with death. We should keep tabs on him.
Gut gemacht
For the database
Ty. Will update
Ill try to find addresses and what not for all 3
Perfect. Shouldn't be too difficult. If you have trouble I'll take a crack at it when I get home
Cuck knight from the event with the Proud Boys in New Orleans
Note: I'm sure [REDACTED] was the driver who aided in the theft of Jimmy's camera. I said see you later to him at U of O and he said, "yeah you'll be seeing me later." He sounded sincere. I'm sure he was involved based on his level of triggering and that statement.
Plus the witness account.
Make it happen
Was from a year ago... and 0 comments Lol
im bad at faceberg