Message from @meratrix
Discord ID: 374787589753929738
An american saying that multicuturalism don't worl
also, he is defending racialized class war
Well, that's the irony, right up there with his comments towards BLM about racial segregation
This dude is a joke
I seen one of his videos
It was ridiculous
It's a little surreal for me, since the last time he was a 'big deal' in any way was back when Bush was in power, and ol' Olbs here positioned as a modern day Edward R Murrow, trying to sound intelligent when most of his arguments boiled down to "bush iz hitlor"
Considering how little I heard from him in the eight years after that, I guess most on the left disposed of their useful idiot. I also think he did actually complain about some of the things Obama was doing, which I suppose didn't do much to help him either.
So, yeah, it's so weird to see him back again, seemingly doing the exact same schtick. It's like I'm stuck in a timewarp
He is just a partisan hack
Seems like a brain dead person to me
Same difference
Ah, but how do you *spell his name*?
Anyone watch hard bastard? I'm Anglo him and Styx are the only way I keep up with colonial happenings
what are everyones opinions on the 8values test. Personally, I think some of the questions are flawed.
Been a while since I've done it, but one of these was my most recent (can't remember which)
An awfully strong belief in "tradition". It seems a lot of the tradition questions lay its eggs in the religious basket, which I guess is an acceptable way of portraying it, but not quite perfect.
none of these things are perfect
True. But it's an acceptable test nonetheless to get a general idea.
I pretty much answered no to all the religious questions which gave me that. Lol.
i got liberal
I think this test should be more nuanced, for example, I am in favor of marijuana legalization, but for other drugs, such as meth, I view these differently.
they should be viewed individually
marijuana is a naturally growing substance, meth requires manufacturing.
But if this is the requrement tahn Morphine also should be legal
I think it should still be regulated, like alcohol.
So that isn't a problem with morphine because it is already regulated
in what way
should it be avalible for rec use?