Message from @DanConway
Discord ID: 376546325640249364
And 👌
If you're looking for pussy and find a dick, that's gay.
If you're looking for dick and find pussy, that's gay
Either way, I'm on it like Chris Brown on Rihanna
In a good way
Like respecting wymens
Respek on em
This is why we need a strong coding wyman in congress
Becaude of people like you
Actually I'd prefer if we had a wyvern in Congress
Put the fear of god in those faggitass politicians
Draugr Deathlord are my preferred candidate
Very traditional people
When she faced the alt right?
Gamergate shitlord
I forgot that everyone who agrees with the progressivism is alt right.
Everyone i disagree with is a NAZI
It a funny, bitch got famous for making shit up
And now she is running for congress to get that sweet American taxpayer money
She'll fail
After all, we have Ricks that we can drop from the moon
Or you can just drop your mix tape and put everything on fire
Must watch Rick n Morter to understand🤔
Night my music is eh at best
RIck and Morty, the Big Bang Theory of Current Year
I was curious so I did a bit of research into the allegations that the CIA pumped drugs into LA, found out it's basically bullshit. First off, that's not even what the original article series claimed, second three outlets responded questioning the validity of the claims it did make: The New York Times; The Los Angeles Times; The Washington Post. Here is an article written by the Executive Editor of the outlet that originally released the series, taking responsibility for poor practices which allowed the article to contain misleading characterizations
The argument that the CIA funneled cocaine into Los Angeles via the Contras in the 1980s, so as to cripple the black community, is commonly used to characterize he United States government as being explicitly hostile and oppressive towards black americans.
*walks into /politics channel*
"are traps gay?"
*walks out of /politics channel*