Message from @Jek Porkins
Discord ID: 376543523799040021
Maybe they will scream at the sky...
How trash cans did we lose?
also Colbert is a gommie
or should I say, Golbie
Damn... Bill Whittle is a fucking boss.
He's gonna kick some antifa asses.
I may have vomited a little bit
She's trans right?
I honestly have no clue
Are traps gay?
are reverse traps gay?
She's no trap. Traps are cute. She's some sort of monster
asking for a friend
no one has answered me
If you're looking for pussy and find a dick, that's gay.
If you're looking for dick and find pussy, that's gay
Either way, I'm on it like Chris Brown on Rihanna
In a good way
Like respecting wymens
Respek on em
This is why we need a strong coding wyman in congress
Becaude of people like you
Actually I'd prefer if we had a wyvern in Congress
Put the fear of god in those faggitass politicians
Draugr Deathlord are my preferred candidate
Very traditional people
When she faced the alt right?
Gamergate shitlord
I forgot that everyone who agrees with the progressivism is alt right.