Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 454686181116870661

AND I have no idea

which corner I'd be in

2018-06-07 21:45:43 UTC  

She a thot

2018-06-07 21:52:07 UTC  

Donโ€™t be a thot apologist

2018-06-07 21:54:54 UTC  

tulsi is not perfect

2018-06-07 21:55:03 UTC  

but she's the 'goodest' democrat we have right now

2018-06-07 21:55:04 UTC  

No one is

2018-06-07 21:56:33 UTC  


2018-06-07 21:57:32 UTC  

At least she doesnโ€™t want to abolish capitalism or some other stupid communist shit

2018-06-07 22:28:00 UTC Petition to the UK gov #savetheinternet on link tax, censorship filters and data mining ban (
Issue statement on the draft Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market

2018-06-08 00:08:01 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:48:12 UTC  

not a faggot

2018-06-08 10:58:05 UTC  

Isn't that photo from 2015?

2018-06-08 12:38:47 UTC  

Anyone around who gives a fuck bout the Ontario provincial election

2018-06-08 16:36:35 UTC  

Ontario is a shithole @King Canuck

2018-06-08 16:38:23 UTC  

@King Canuck My eyes are literally bloodshot red from crying for the last hour, and I just threw up from the stress. I can't believe we lost again. The premier sells hash to people, the PC Candidate in Brampton East steals people's data, and this bitch in Kanata-Carleton wants to genocide all Muslims. And the worst part is people still vote for them! It's happening. We are in 1930s Nazi Germany. We must resist.

2018-06-08 16:40:25 UTC  

Look to be honest

2018-06-08 16:40:33 UTC  

I hear Doug is a bit of an idiot

2018-06-08 16:41:00 UTC  

But we got this

2018-06-08 18:08:59 UTC  

I had an interesting thought
Populism could be Realpolitik in ideological form
What are your opinions on this ?

2018-06-08 18:09:06 UTC  

Posting this here too

2018-06-08 18:19:29 UTC  

by definition yes

2018-06-08 20:12:04 UTC  

Not really. Populism is basically just another form of feels-over-reals in ideological form. It's just a feels-over-reals that doesn't adhere to any structured philosophical thought, and instead simply appeals to what is popular rather than what is actually correct.

2018-06-08 20:13:49 UTC  

There's often a non-zero overlap between popular thought and actual truth, but it's certainly not always the same thing. Mindless populism is as destructive to a country's long-term goals as mindless adherence to any other form of ideological thought.

2018-06-08 21:06:28 UTC  

Feels over reals? You mean the people effected most by, let's say, illegal immigration have less valid concerns over its effects than the upper class elite who advocate for it from a completely detached moral and ideological perspective?

2018-06-08 21:51:05 UTC  

That isn't populism in and of itself.

2018-06-08 21:51:37 UTC  

Populism has always been an a-ideological appeal to the lowest common denominator.

2018-06-08 21:53:37 UTC  

The fact that the complaints of very significant portion of the population directed towards illegal/mass migration are entirely valid is irrelevant to it's usage by populists. Even if it actually indeed wasn't a problem, purely theoretically, but a significant portion of the population would see it as such anyway, populists would still use it as a platform.

2018-06-08 22:07:41 UTC  

A good example of that is climate change. It's a demonstrable fact that the climate is in fact, changing, and there is more than sufficient evidence to believe that anthropogenic pollution is, at least in part, powering that change. Never the less, populists throughout many countries have openly denied the existence of climate change (not questioned, which is just fine in my book, simply openly stated it is not occurring or that anthropogenic pollution is not a part of it), purely to gain votes from the parts of the population that also denies climate change, despite the poorer parts of the population, the people appealed to by populists, being the ones mostly affected by aforementioned climate change.

2018-06-08 22:10:15 UTC  

Populists care about one thing and one thing only: Political power gain. They do not care if the complaints of the voting population they want to use to get into power are actually valid complaints or not.

2018-06-08 22:10:38 UTC  

(At least, the overwhelming majority of populists don't)

2018-06-08 22:11:04 UTC  

"That isn't real populism"? Populism isn't a categorically defined ideology, so I don't see how that is so easy for you to dismiss. Mass immigration is one of the defining topics of political discourse throughout the world.

2018-06-08 22:11:36 UTC  

What part of 'Populism is a-ideological' did not make sense to you?

2018-06-08 22:11:56 UTC  

yet you can say "That isn't populism in and of itself." ?

2018-06-08 22:13:59 UTC  

My point is that if mass/illegal migration wasn't actually a problem, but a portion of the voting population still saw it as one, populists would still appeal to it, regardless of the validity of the complaints being leveled.

2018-06-08 22:14:30 UTC  

That's why the topic isn't directly connected to populism, specifically because populism isn't an ideological category.

2018-06-08 22:14:54 UTC  

A populist will appeal to -anything- a significant portion of the voting population considers important, regardless of its actual importance.

2018-06-08 22:15:03 UTC  

It's also very popular for the "elite" to preach about climate change, and then continue to eat meat, take planes, private ones even. And then sit there an advocate for severe environmental regulations that lead to production being done in places where there is near zero concern for the environment. But to you this skepticism is just a quest for power.