Message from @Fulcrum010

Discord ID: 461336923059781642

2018-06-27 00:58:23 UTC  

People call for revolution no matter who is President though

2018-06-27 00:58:50 UTC  


2018-06-27 00:59:02 UTC  

But lets be honest, its happening a lot more under Trump

2018-06-27 00:59:28 UTC  

And the people who are saying it have a noticable bit more of influence

2018-06-27 01:05:53 UTC  

Bush protests:

2018-06-27 01:05:57 UTC

2018-06-27 01:06:00 UTC

2018-06-27 01:06:04 UTC

2018-06-27 01:06:06 UTC

2018-06-27 01:06:10 UTC

2018-06-27 01:06:20 UTC  

(personal favourite):

2018-06-27 01:06:56 UTC

2018-06-27 01:07:06 UTC

2018-06-27 01:07:12 UTC

2018-06-27 01:07:14 UTC  

you remember all fudds calling for an insurrection against obama??

2018-06-27 01:07:21 UTC  

what's going on now is an escalation of that

2018-06-27 01:07:37 UTC  

unless something happens, it will keep rising

2018-06-27 01:08:03 UTC  

well yeah, the diff between Obama and now is you don't have 'legitimate' media sources with people on staff routinely calling (or at the very least endorsing) this sort of shit

2018-06-27 01:08:05 UTC  

because, you see more people trying to cause a strife on the population than people trying to unite everyone

2018-06-27 01:08:08 UTC  

It's arguably less fringe

2018-06-27 01:08:13 UTC  


2018-06-27 02:27:52 UTC  

Now isn't that interesting?

2018-06-27 02:28:35 UTC  


2018-06-27 02:29:55 UTC  

Itโ€™s like theyโ€™re *implying* something

2018-06-27 05:46:26 UTC

2018-06-27 06:32:58 UTC  

"so what do you do?"
"I live creatively"

2018-06-27 06:51:28 UTC  

republicans know more about politics than democrats

2018-06-27 07:27:27 UTC  

That's relative

2018-06-27 11:52:01 UTC  

this article is pay walled

2018-06-27 11:52:49 UTC  

Proponents of immigration reform tend to spend a lot of time emphasizing the need for immigrants to assimilate into American culture.
One of the provisions in the Senate's bipartisan plan on immigration reform tasks immigrants with "learning English and the basics about America's history" before attaining permanent residency, as Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) emphasized Monday afternoon when the senators unveiled their blueprint. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) noted that this was a first in American history.
Immigration reform critics often cite this as a major sticking point for reform. Some, like the late political scientist Samuel Huntington, have argued that the latest wave of Latino immigration is fundamentally unlike waves of European workers.
But it just isn't so. In 2007, the political scientists Jack Citrin, Amy Lerman, Michael Murakami and Kathryn Pearson decided to test Huntington's theory against the available evidence about Latino assimilation. They found no evidence whatsoever that Mexican and other Latin American immigrants are assimilating more slowly than did previous waves of immigrants.

2018-06-27 11:53:17 UTC

2018-06-27 11:53:24 UTC  

Take language acquisition: Contrary to popular belief and Adam Sandler films, Latino immigrants acquire English as quickly as, or more quickly than, Asian and European immigrants.Although Mexican immigrants lagged behind on language acquisition in 1980, the gap was closed by 2000, the researchers found.
First-generation Mexican immigrants still lag behind on learning English, but second-generation Americans, including those who live with their first-generation parents, acquire English just as fast as do Asian or European immigrants. (Non-Latino second-generation immigrants acquire English even faster. Filipino immigrants beat everyone, perhaps owing to the Philippines' half-century under U.S. sovereignty.):

2018-06-27 11:53:39 UTC  

This translates over to policy. Non-Hispanic Americans tend to support making English the official language of the United States by large margins, and first- and second-generation Latino immigrants tend to be more skeptical about making English official. But by the third generation, the gap disappears:

2018-06-27 11:53:49 UTC