Message from @khimære
Discord ID: 333752687029911552
>we fund ourselves into becoming an MC
Yeah, well, I'm "flexible" on certain applications.
If they're crusading yids and hadjis, it all good
As long as it looks cool.
And makes lots of noise, I'm down with it.
Is that why you like the bagpipes so much?
Lol I mentioned something about that night with the bagpipes at the LL in the DS Discord server a few weeks ago and Weev goes "Wait, are you with the PDX Stormers?"
I'm pretty happy with how far that story went
If we can't raise the money for dirt bikes, we can at least get @BotsRob up there with his chainsaw to make the sounds and we'll just run around like we're on air bikes.
With the capes and all, I doubt any spectators will be the wiser, especially if @Uberhat is involved.
Or we could try to chain up the saw to a normal bike's spokes
>Antifa tries to jump us but they find us running in circles around @BotsRob revving a chainsaw
>Antifa slowly backs away
Once you get south of Wilsonville you can forget about encountering any serious group of antifags unless you give them notice well in advance.
To be on the safe side, we should probably keep a garbage can nearby as a decoy for them to attack.
Ten feet of resistance:
so how did you make this one?
why ten feet of resist?
You think that's the size it ought to be?
That's some fine-looking lettering, General Marr.
I do indeed like the lettering
@khimære I cut that with the new vinyl cutter. The cut vinyl letters are black and still attached to their white paper liner. Initially the paper liner was completely covered with black vinyl film. The paper backed film is fed through the cutter which lightly scores only the top vinyl layer. Then the vinyl is "weeded", which consists of peeling off reverse image portions. This is the stage shown in the photo.
The next step involves rolling out 2ft wide transfer tape over the to pick them up off the paper liner while maintaining their spacing. The transfer tape, with letters attached will then be rolled out onto a vinyl banner substrate, squeegeed down and back rolled to leave on the black letter on white vinyl banner substrate.
Holy shit
It's roughly 10 feet long simply because that's how much space six letters of that font happen to take up.
The next section will also be about 10ft long because "RACIAL" has the same number of letters, but I want those letters to be white, so I will "reverse weed" the vinyl on it's paper liner before transferring it to the white vinyl banners substrate to produce white letters in a black background, then on to the final word "ECLIPSE" which will be back the the black letters on white background.
We need to get you a vinyl intern and churn these things out full-time!
@Jimmy Marr you're a fuckin badass. #NeverForget
Thoughts on the value and purpose of propaganda as we move into our Eclipse activism campaign:
"The purpose of propaganda is not to change what you think, but to change what you think your neighbor thinks. People all think they are special and unique but actually even the outliers are 99% like everyone else. So if they harbor reservations about obvious lies, they should be able to realize that so does everyone else. But they don't. Because they're different. They unthinkingly think. This is why propaganda actually works. So when you hear "Diversity is our greatest strength," you say "that's absurd" to yourself inwardly. Nevertheless, you assume that there must be a lot of people who actually do believe this, so you'd better keep quiet about it. And that's where they get you. Actually, almost no one believes this except the retarded portion of the community (public school teachers). Everyone else feels the way you do. Thus is a large-majority view stifled, dominated and politically extinguished by a tiny-minority view. A related conception is that the purpose of propaganda is not to get you to believe its obvious lies but to prevent you from publicly opposing them. They don't need your support, (((they))) need your lack of open resistance." - A. Linder
A perfect example of this phenomenon was seen during Trump's presidential campaign in which the enemyedia steadfastly refused to televise the audiences at Trump rallies. The didn't care as much about people seeing Trump and they cared about people seeing people seeing Trump. Follow me dawg?
This is why when we document our activism in a photographs and videos we should not try to focus on the activism per se, but on creating a visual context whereby people are seen consuming our content.
This is how we make our shit "kosher".
As long as I'm on this topic, I might as well go on and offer you gentlemen some constructive criticism for your consideration as you debate whether or not to wear masks during our activism. It's self-defeating. The message it sends creates exactly the opposite effect of the case cited above. You're essentially telling your audience that it is not OK to endorse your message.
The media is the message.
ALWAYS wear masks
not just to protect yourself from antifa, but from the real enemy.