Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 491531899429322752

2018-09-17 20:21:30 UTC  

I doint think you can relocate that easily, moving HQ for tax purposes sure, but a manufacturing line and all dependend supply lines? thats hundreds of companies you have to break contracts with and renegotiate new ones from companies who right now micht not have the capacity in mainland eu. Also their supply lines of raw resources and parts from overseas markets like asia and us would be affected. For banks and paper companies this might be easier in a short term. What you migth see is these companies putting more efforts in lobbying to get special deals just for them like exceptions and the like.

2018-09-17 20:23:13 UTC  

Not hard, it would be a long process, sure, but eventually would happen. Think of all the current rust belt of the US, as all the car and heavy metal manufacturing companies relocated to China over the years

2018-09-17 20:23:48 UTC  

Mainland EU countries would be eager to take in all of these new companies

2018-09-17 20:23:55 UTC  

Yeah, but not as a reaction to a n export tax, that move has been in the works for 50 years

2018-09-17 20:24:12 UTC  

mainland eu also moved to china ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-09-17 20:24:51 UTC  

a thing that can make the UK car industry stay in the UK if they get a good export deal with the US where UK made cars are exempt from the heavy tax US is treating to put on EU cars

2018-09-17 20:24:52 UTC  

If they feel that the future economic situation can only go to worse, they would gradually start relocating, start with the small sections, and eventually the larger ones

2018-09-17 20:28:30 UTC  

A hard/no deal brexit would only be detrimental to the UK, there is no real advantage to it, which is why the negotiations are constantly stalling and there is constant disagreements. Turns out that reverting a 40 year process of integration isn't as easy as people thought it would be

2018-09-17 20:30:23 UTC  

Well I never knew this was a thing. Fuck, chemtrail conspiracies just got 10x more plausible.

2018-09-17 20:33:19 UTC  

Seems to me that al;s goes for the EU, with an almost equal amount of import that GB could tax back at the EU

2018-09-17 20:33:21 UTC  

*"However, a U.S. government study, done by the U.S. National Research Council, stated, in part, "After an exhaustive, independent review requested by Congress, we have found no evidence that exposure to zinc cadmium sulfide at these levels could cause people to become sick."*

2018-09-17 20:34:10 UTC  

They also nuked part of the country, it was the 50's they were 'just doing it'

2018-09-17 20:44:36 UTC  

Was that the time they dropped a nuke in North Carolina?

2018-09-17 21:08:31 UTC  

@Capitรกn Alatriste so you dont think no other state would fill the trade void? Lmao. And other states can make 0 tarriff trade deals like the us already said they would be willing. The issue is the uk pays a lot into the eu system and takes less, and the eu would also be losing that trade.

2018-09-17 22:46:32 UTC  

@Legiondude No, that was just an accident.

Nevada has tons of nuclear testing sites that you can see on Google Earth.

After a while, they decided bombing random islands in Micronesia was a better alternative lol

2018-09-17 22:56:07 UTC  

Don't forget the shot off the coast from San Diego

2018-09-18 08:43:55 UTC  

The act of arguing against anarcho-capitalism is a performative contradiction.

Can't completely eliminate the state. If you wanna live in the wild west I ask you, can you fix a toilet?

Can you snare a Rabbit?

2018-09-18 08:52:17 UTC  

I can construct elaborate boxes from composite materials

can you that without electricity?

2018-09-18 11:39:22 UTC  


2018-09-18 12:25:19 UTC  

@Broo TulsiGang 2024 ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Why do you need the state to hire a plumber? o.O

What happens if 'he' does a bad job? Take your money and runs?

2018-09-18 12:36:51 UTC  

You think the state is the only one capable of bonding and insuring contractors, as well as maintaining a licensing system that is universally accepted as 'adequate'?

It's not about that

It's about Can you fix a Toilet?

2018-09-18 12:42:23 UTC  

Well, *I* can, yes. Most people can't.

And the state has little to do with that in any sense

So, you and I could survive without a state like we are in a Zombie movie

but what of the others?

2018-09-18 13:02:12 UTC  

They would give us resources in exchange for our toilet fixing services

but if they can't even fix a toilet?

2018-09-18 13:14:33 UTC  
2018-09-18 14:34:22 UTC  

Cringy intro, content is not suprising tho

2018-09-18 15:33:10 UTC  

Yeah, it's super cringe

2018-09-18 18:19:41 UTC