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Its true, 40.000 years ago germany was a nation of neantherthals, the homo sapiens immigrated to germany. Everyone there is an immigrant ...

How many schools were there in 1707 to not learn gaelic in?

Is it not a standard tactic to force a langiuage on people you conquer anyway, many regions of the world no longer speak their native languages due to this, spanish, portugese, english, french, russian languages are the main language of many countries where they would not be 'native'.

And i guess that removing a language by forcing trade and official communication in a standard language (eq the conquerors) is a great way to destroy local cultures and make people feel less local and make it easier to assimilate the people.

Interesting insight, in a silly little country like The Netherlands i can count like 6 different languages, where only two are recognized officially now and that was also a recent thing. On a small scale most languages have now faded into what we call a dialect, and as mentioned earlier only the old people really know the languages from before. There were some efforts to get some recognized as a language like 10 years ago butthat never went anywhere.

Was there a larger group behind him though, i mean sure you can cripple a government, but would that enact any change if some other people would just swoop in and reform a government like two days after?

Yes, dutch isnot favored in international trade, and we also never dubbed and have horrible media, so most movies, songs and tv shows are in american/english. Youngsters have grown up with LA slang since the 80's. The official language council also has adopted a 'loandword' system where new words added to the language are not reformed to a local form. But that was a thing since Napoleon, as a good portion of dutch is just wierdly spoken french anyway.

In belgium the flemish have many words that they duchified, but that is often mocked as backwards. Then again the dutch government has been very international since after ww2

It is surprising esparanto is not a forced track in schools ๐Ÿ˜›

Yup, the dutch gov has been at the forefront of everything europe federation coolio stuff since the beginning. We have had two referendums on europe stuff where the people voted no, and politicials said voting no would bring ww3. Then they just ignored the vote and did it anyway.

the people cant have guns, the laws are very strict. Gun owners have to allow law enforcement monthly checkups where they go into your house and inspect your gunsafe, and count your munitions. Also knives over 20 cm are illegal to carry. I believe these lawys were implemented after belgium revolted or something (best revolt ever btw, flemmish took a single ship and the war was over).

I just inherrited this crap ๐Ÿ˜›

These laws are old from when there were many angry people, I mean we have had politicians murdered in the netherlands from before the country was even properly started.

Yeah, we had a stadhouder (basically president) murdered after the king of spain put a bounty on hiss head for supporting the reformation, and later a very public incident on the leader of the then parliament with his brother where a mob quite litteraly tore them apart in the streets. Might be otehrs but those are from when the country was formed into what it is now. like 1500 - 1700 range.

it is interesting though as i believe the anti gun laws are from a fear of rebellion i have always been told.

Might be interesting to see what the dates and differences are of these laws across europe

woops europe is cucked by the EU gun laws, minimum is forced and stricter is allowed per nation .. nice

Yeah, from reading a few articles is see that after some of the shootings the dutch presidency (who else) made it super strict on the eu level.

> a total ban on all semi-automatic firearms capable of being fitted with a magazine with more than six rounds, i.e. all pistols and most existing semi-automatic rifles. So thats the dutch contribution to stopping the terror, we did it bois!

We have been lucky so far, there is a massive gun running scheme in The Netherlands, but most are trades away agai, since the end of the Bosnian conflict a pipeline of old russian weapons started and seems to just never have stopped.

So normal citizens must be a member of a shooting club, and be registered, have to have a gunsafe and store and move munitions separate from their weapon, have a licence, renew every 5 years have to do a psychological and medical examination (every 5 years too i guess) and allow law enforcement to riffle through their home.. you would not download a car .... this is why people pirate

The mortar shells are a new tactic

norways is not in the eu right, its only doing the market access thing?

There was a politician in Czech republic i believe that wanted to lax the gun laws, but i guess he cant even get that done unless they leave the EU

Hmm, the dutch constitution has a similar thing where it is treason to subject the nation below another power effectively ending the sovreign state, we had a referendum, voted no. A year later our prime minister at the time signed the lisbon agreement and placed the EU laws above our constitution.

Since then many laws have had to be changed to 'align' with eu regulations

2018-09-09 00:05:02 UTC [Sparta #general]  

> Read 404 posts : how?

Yeah, the spanish armada is also notourious over here, many protest about those just being allowed to empty the sea right in front of the mostly very mutch smaller boats of the lcoals.

Yeah, i saw a 5 second clip from Dr Who where they had so many coulored people in the crowd when they went back in time taht it is hard to believe the polulatiopn since is still counted as a minority. I guess they just did not have children, what do i know, im just ignorant of the whitewashing of historical text.

Best advertisement i have seen, im packing right now moving to asstralia

2018-09-09 00:22:24 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Only if you stop at a minimum wage

2018-09-09 00:22:57 UTC [Sparta #general]  

If you compound that with mandatory sick leave insurance and make the company pay for it

2018-09-09 00:24:16 UTC [Sparta #general]  

There was some news a month ago or so that in Lybia they sell slaves for 400 dollar no?

2018-09-09 00:25:32 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Yeah, abusing people does not give them a +1 hp

2018-09-09 00:26:44 UTC [Sparta #general]  

And there is a risk of advere effect where the beaatenm person will resent it and may get angry enough to rethink their status

2018-09-09 00:29:13 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Hmm, this makes me think of Eddy Murphy's example from i believe his Raw standup show, where he talks about getting a wife from africa who does not have the high maintanance of the american women. And after being exposed takes half in the divorce.

2018-09-09 00:29:48 UTC [Sparta #general]  

haha yeah that one

My country is socially and culturally extention of NY and CA culture, geographycally a province in the federated states of the european union I can only agree that it is true. <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-09-09 11:33:00 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Combine the two, compile a random set and numnber of github repos and blindly run it <:pepe_sweat:378719424548569088>

2018-09-09 11:39:39 UTC [Sparta #general]  


Nestle has bottled water you can buy on the open market, flint dont need no handouts from the government <:thisisfine:378719407981199363>

The Cristian Dems in the netherlands are pretty far to the left, but then again the old commies worker parties are also left, and the full blown commies are left, we do have some small protestant parties with like 5 seats who are more conservative in their views.

Last election we had 70 registered parties though, its a pick and choose one party world out there.

Well in the US you kinda only have two choices, when was the last time the 3rd running candicate won?

I would not call it broader, we can choose between left (Christian Dems) a workers party (more left) and a Freedom party (specificly for rich people and business owners, but still very left) these have dominated in a coalition calling themselves purple, then we have a green party (left) and the one issue parties or people who had fitty fights with the bigegr parties and secceeded mid terme keeping their seats. And people are surprised about people voting Geert Wilders party into power (whitch the coalition stuff can ignore and keep running the show) Then again the Geert Wilders party is also filled with attention whores who run scams, are creeps and frauds. So we have left, some smallish more left stuff those particular protestant party and this right wing lunatic fest.

I mean we gave like 7 seats to the Annimal Party ... so there is that

For some soy and vegan policies with your left agenda


we have not really had any functioning right wing, well ever becasue before ww2 the Queen was the chief, and after well ....

We do vote on people, but ultimately there needs to be a majority (party wise) in the chamber to allow the perty to fill the cabinet seats.


You can vote on a person, but that only counts towards the person in the rank of the party, so if you have a party who gets like 5 seats and everyone votes fro the number 6 that one will get the first seat. But ultimately the vote goes to the party to divy up the seats between them.

A Prime minister once said in an interview: "We do not have a Democracy, we have a Representative Democracy", a distinction many people do not even know exists.

That does read like how it is, if you disagree with the party you can have some issues. However quite a few people have left their parties in the last few cycles and have remained in their seat, mid term effectively removing a seat from the party.

The PM usualy is the Lead face of the largest party

The two party system has otehr issues though, as evidenced while Obama was in office, did he not have an unprecedented ammount of executive orders, i remember articles from senators claiming they were unable to even speak to him, as he was working with a majority Republican senate? The only two sides makes finding a compromize very hard top do if people start running party lines.

With more parties and a defacto coalition to begin with, you alwasy have possible negotiations where not 50% hates the other 50%

not saying that 70 parties is a solution though lol

No more parties, only individuals, that would make election time crazy over here.

We dont have geographically representation though, locally we have the city councils we vote for but those are mostly charters of the national parties with some local only stuff sprinkeled in.

But elections for city council does not translate to the national level

Well over here we can traverse the whole country up and down and have time to spare to go on holliday in a single day. Our 'states' are more like municipalities or counties compared to the US.

That is what is happening, the majority of the people are in like 4 cities in 2 provinces, every other province barely has a voice in the critical mass.


Yes, germany is more like the US in that the Bundes (states) have some form of self government that is actually visible in politics.

In the netherlands tehre are secretaries and some staff on province level, but those are appointed by the King, just like Majors are. \

Yeah, but its not less complicated due to it being smaller haha


In the netherlands decicions like zoning and permits are just government jobs, the politics never touch it unless its to change a local law, none of those positions are voted for. I wish there was accounability for these small time local power mongers with their arcane minutia.

I guess voting on every position is a bit too extreme as well, you would be at the voting booth every day and get no work done hehe

If anything there has been a trend in making things bigger over here, smaller ciies merging with bigger ones .. you know .. for saving some money

Referendums are kill now, they removed it like a couple of months ago, there was litteraly 0 referendums that went into the favor of the government so they just nixxed it. Not like they were held to the outcome anyway, they alwasy were more like polls to see 'how do you feel'.

Nice, for us its more like a virtue signal, sometimes when there is enough attention the signatures will be presented to a minister but mostly they are accepted via an intern who files them in a circular formed archive bin.

Haha, yeah that is what the dutch did, vote wrong, so no more referendums

Remember when people wondered how the groups in Syria werte driving in new Toyota pickups?

25 Milion euro aparently directly from a government, i wonder when the USA will invade us, we do have like 2 oil rigs as well.

I wonder when the gov will apologise to Toyota for getting flack on that stuff.

lol, nah i dont wonder about that

Cant have mr Terrorist driving old crap now can we?

Those machienguns and rocket launchers are too heavy for the old cars

> The investigation also shows that the Netherlands supplied Toyota Hilux and Isuzu D-max pick-up trucks to Syrian rebels, among other things. The Netherlands also sent uniforms, satellite telephones, laptops, mattresses, backpacks and cameras

No the dutch

Netherlands had a gverment program to provide supplies to terrorists

Yup that we did

Funniest thing is that they ran the program while also labeling the organization as a terrorist group themselves.

I mean, i can throuw out my passport and claim to be a 17 yr old syrian boi right? or do i have top shave my sargon-esque beard?

Maybe should start a group[ of #resistance in syria to get some sweet 25Mil from the NL gov, so i can invest in some sweet tesla stock when it bounces up and down.

Well there is no denying that the influence on the social media sphere is by a few large silicon valley companies, they are not by far the largest influence in politics (yet) but it is known that companies lobby politicians to change policy in their favor.

Not that that is limited to the USA

Interesting, thats is in amount? I would noit think of Unions being fat wallets.

So this is connected to the NL supplying terrorist groups story: https://abcnews.go.com/International/us-officials-isis-toyota-trucks/story?id=34266539

I can't stop laughing now, NL ally to the US never told them either. #justNLthings

These are some nice dutch toyota's though, look new

> Karisten notes that MEPs complained at a press conference after the vote yesterday that Facebook and Google tried to manipulate their votes with email campaigns, ignoring the fact that messages were also sent by concerned individuals. โ€œThey do not believe people in Europe really are worried about what this directive will bring,โ€ the Swedish reporter contends.

I have no more words, so even when you contact these MEP's thay just ignore you.

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