Message from @seapea
Discord ID: 324336738438742016
"No need to cry over spilled niggers. Learn how to celebrate a victory for once and write in PILES OF DEAD NIGGERS for president instead of whining about it." kek
One day fire will consume the entire world and every thing will die. (oops should have posted that in whitepills)
I think it's time for a political party. The Muslims are forming them
Citation: the Europa report
So @<@&304040059231797261> and <@&304026039766482955> , is there a day soon that we could all gather for lunch since many of us missed the second Saturday?
Not this week. I'm taking 3 days off for Fathers Day. @Wehrmacht
We could meet up for a day at the range (or in the wilderness) next week sometime. Enjoy some target shooting/good company. I bring this up because Jimmy "White Nationalist John Wayne" Marr and I were already planing on dragging Aryan "Artist Formerly Known As Goy" Wonder out to the range next week. I know it is a bit of a hobbit's journey from down South, maybe you Southerners could meet at Jimmy's and he could Taxi Driver (robert-deniro.jpg) you the rest of the way.
<@&304026151402340355> are welcome to come down to the range as well. It's not too far from Portland. Would work as a good private meet up spot where we can be comfortable and not worry about whispering our thoughts. is the website if you guys want to look it up. There are a bunch of private bays. If we met during the week at 5 or 6 the place is a ghost town, no one would bother us, no Range Safety Officers or any crap like that. The other members keep to themselves, a bunch of White guys, probably even some who think like us already tbh.
Shooting cuts off at 9pm during the week, afterwards we could stay and hang out as long as we want though.
I'd like to try to make it. I'm under the weather now, but once I'm feeling better and have my next paycheck in my wallet I'd like to go.
get well
Yeah a trip that far north will hit me in my wallet a bit hard with the move coming up.
I totally have a "my wife's son" scenario sitting next to me at the fish market rn...
Fucking gross
Just found out Mike Enoch is Norwegian
Norjewgian you say? Who would have guessed!
Well he said largely Norwegian
Hot off the press from @Wehrmacht happy merchant Chinese sweat shop.
I want the lambda shirt now too!
Looks damn good
What a cuck
I'm so sorry mr Jew look I even have a Muslim friend
"Disgusting slogans"
Some spic went around slashing tires.
I got hit
that's not good.
How many of your tires were slashed?
One. Just got the other patched too
Then this
And at my fiancee fiancees house. Not even mine, so not antifa
I guess it happened all over?
that sux