Message from @turtwig
Discord ID: 532483557847728148
Blue haired brown shirts
wouldn't that be hilarious to see?
I found some fucking gold for you guys
add pink cat eye classes and you have a true horror show
This thread is important for Brexit... there will be heads on spikes if they're not careful...
@Jabba 'Guerilla warfare' is the wrong term, but if that *does happen*, you can be sure there WILL be 'guerilla warfare' that follows.
Domestic crusade when?
then i guess its time to start sniping the far left then
put all those mosins you guys got recently to use
@nyuuns2 *Finnish whispers are heard coming from the snow piles...*
I woulf argue the oregon one. Becausr that would br a shot in the dark. Seeing as oregon doesnt knoe its for expenses the lest 2 years
keeping track of expenses is racist
and they're using that as a gotcha? lol
He does it everytime
the comments <:thronk:441701565607444482>
don't read comments π€·πΏ
you wot
Reading comments lowers your IQ and increases your Soy Levels
Everyone I disagree with is a Fascist Nazi
I have never gotten a twitter video to work correctly the first time
Bercow now openly trying to do what he can to scupper Brexit...