
Discord ID: 342352032536985612

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Canada has a military??

one question i have - all of these people getting banned from patreon and other crowdfunding places - why don't they just start taking Monero/Bitcoin/Litecoin etc ?

banned for their political views

what do you mean cost of crypto?

so send him 1 monero?

or 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 turtle ๐Ÿ˜›

LOL really??

UK is going to ban crypto?

until that payment gateway gets subverted by the SJW's and bans him from that one I imagine

sad times

im surprised there hasn't been talk of banning 'unapproved' gateways

but they can ban crypto

not saying you're wrong, just saying communists don't like being told "no"

I think that was the original idea behind crypto - to evade the state

so I can certainly understand the whole idea behind banning it

BTC is in its infancy - microscopic market compared to what its competing against

yeah I don't really buy that I don't think..............

I think crypto could be a government napster

not now but eventually

likening the population of France to dogs

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki 100% agree, Napster died but not before a massive wave of music sharing services came about that cratered the hideously bloated cost of music entertainment for the masses and forced the recording industry (music cartel) to really rethink and reconcile what music should actually cost the consumer. Neither government nor private industry was ever going to do that. A similar thing happened for movies.

LOL blasphemy app?

I wanna see a bunch of 60 year old brits get out into the street to burn cars and shit

it would be like the California public employee unions getting a 25 cent on the dollar pension haircut

massive rioting

it means the UK is screwed

elected leaders typically respond to burning cars

from what I can tell

start burning cars

and then go back to the negotiating table

lol shit that's a Freudian Slip if I've ever seen one

I love how people (mainly "the left"/socialists/sjw's etc) treat government like it's this wholly altruistic not-for-profit enterprise

has anyone else noticed that?

socialists defecating on private enterprise while extolling the virtues of the "public enterprise"

but not actually owning up to the reality that public institutions are, in fact, a for-profit venture for the people participating

I probably need to put this in the free for all channel

I wonder what the UK would be like, right now, if they had a US-style 2nd amendment?

that's genius

"but... the peoples are our friends......"


Google+ still exists??

I also love when leftists chant "lock him up"

the funny thing being the whole evidence thing.... there is piles upon piles of evidence of what Hillary did... zero for Trump

they can't/won't get him on campaign finance

IIRC Hillary actually paid for the Steele dossier out of campaign funds

or the DNC did anyway

a lot of people would try to kill them if they did

not some

and not some crazy kid with a glock but pissed off "smelly walmart people" with smelly walmart deer rifles

I think that's what he's saving his political ammunition for

start outing the democrats for the horrendous shit they've done

for when they start with the impeachment bullshit

yeah, everyone makes fun of the militias

like they're just pissed off racists

backwoods inbred rednecks

well, a goodly number of them, I think, are ex-military

not like that's hard

right, yet another reason why they want the guns so badly

I remember when Bloomberg was still the mayor of NY

and he did some 2A hit-piece with a massive .50 cal rifle

stating that citizens should not be allowed to own it

does anyone take the SPLC seriously?

SPLC is not a credible institution

and should not be believed by anyone

the FBI is rapidly becoming a discredited instution

government entities that are used as subversion and enforcement arm of a political party have no credibility and should be shut down, their leaders prosecuted

it's just a mechanism to put a label on political dissent as a pretense for some future persecution

i.e. shutting you out of the financial system or outright incarceration

lol I can already tell you how most americans would react to that

not one but many

well, if interpol did anything like that it would be done with local law enforcement


if it got bad enough feds would pull state/local funding via state

that's usually how that sort of thing works... do what we want or we won't give you your tax money back

I wonder what crtv's subscriber numbers are going to end up looking like

I mean... who would ever follow anything Glenn Beck does?

IMO he looks rather like a weasel

like a say anything because screw the audience kinda guy

why did you get fucked by Patreon?


that's a problem

filming kidsex is a faux pas in most countries


will the police raid your house for making a back-handed comment about Abdul?

what would be hilarious is if the UK doesn't get Brexit and gets completely sold out and then they have their own 1776 moment

oh well you're fine then - no police raid for you

what about that congressman that said he was going to nuke anyone that doesn't give up their guns?


he was being serious too IIRC

the scary thing is that the sentiment exists in an elected representative

"let's just nuke them"

ah, so he is then, by definition, hideously stupid

what does that mean?

heh, what then?

k, so theyre conservatives.... whatever that means in the UK I'm not sure....

that's interesting

I'm not in the UK so I just googled around

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