Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 526197300113178624

2018-12-22 19:03:40 UTC  
2018-12-22 19:04:19 UTC  

@Nordhand im pretty sure they're going to ban vpns

2018-12-22 19:05:23 UTC  

@Ondsinet they were just pinging each other like retards

2018-12-22 19:07:00 UTC  

As they always do

2018-12-22 19:07:04 UTC  


2018-12-22 19:22:51 UTC  

has the world ended now that the US Federal Gov has shut down ?

2018-12-22 19:40:16 UTC  

The truth is that the only people that are going to be affect by that porn "tax" is the old boomer that can't internet well and the rest will find a way around it.

2018-12-22 19:50:11 UTC  


2018-12-22 19:50:20 UTC  

But it's the first step

2018-12-22 19:50:37 UTC  

The endgoal is a China like system

2018-12-22 19:57:05 UTC  

Yea they want total information control as they see how terrifyingly unregulated information is to their power

2018-12-22 20:06:45 UTC  

A lot of people in politics are so old they remember a time before the internet and back then a simple phone call was all you need to do to make a embarrassing story disappear for good in most cases

2018-12-22 20:27:28 UTC  

I fear that one day we're going to find out what Hitler would have been like had he been able to utilize things like databases and the Internet

2018-12-22 20:37:53 UTC  

@nutsnax Like China?

2018-12-22 21:49:56 UTC  

imagine my shock

I was hoping for eco warriors <:sad:382980750347206666>

2018-12-22 22:26:55 UTC  


2018-12-22 22:38:17 UTC  

well they are going to have a fun time when the migrants show them the true imigrant hospitality in jail

2018-12-23 00:40:12 UTC  


2018-12-23 02:10:02 UTC  
2018-12-23 02:10:21 UTC  


2018-12-23 02:26:13 UTC  

France cops are pulling guns on yellow wests now

2018-12-23 02:32:22 UTC  

"whY WoULd yOU Need THe SEConD aMENDmeNT??"

2018-12-23 02:34:04 UTC  

but only cops do need guns

2018-12-23 02:35:58 UTC  

No live streams?

2018-12-23 02:36:34 UTC  

from what I have seen cops are now beating up anyone that have something that looks like a phone now

2018-12-23 02:53:51 UTC  

@Fitzydog inb4 the spainard comes in defending the police

2018-12-23 02:54:21 UTC  

That'sa bet I won't take.

He'll definitely defend this shit

2018-12-23 03:17:19 UTC  


2018-12-23 03:17:47 UTC  

Yes what?

2018-12-23 03:49:40 UTC  


2018-12-23 03:50:02 UTC  

Screw the helis, Bolsonaro's got *hit squads*

2018-12-23 03:51:31 UTC  

*“The NGOs, human rights activists and United Nations will have a fit,” Alexandre Frota, a congressman-elect, said on Twitter while sharing the video. “But the cleansing must be done.’’*

2018-12-23 04:03:01 UTC  

@Fitzydog ah but what if they're *privatized hit squads*?

2018-12-23 04:03:30 UTC  

Knowing Bolsonaro, it's only a matter of time

2018-12-23 04:57:45 UTC  
2018-12-23 05:10:09 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:10:16 UTC  

Luckily we can read the description