Message from @What Would Jack Conte Do?

Discord ID: 506533438418059264

2018-10-29 18:19:29 UTC  

well i agree, but i am sort of a fag when it comes to putting in work

2018-10-29 18:19:35 UTC  

Welfare is statism

2018-10-29 18:19:37 UTC  

also being a sperg helps

2018-10-29 18:20:05 UTC  

@Deleted User I dunno what you mean by 'left' in that case

2018-10-29 18:20:11 UTC  

once you get to communism, the left/right gets screwy

2018-10-29 18:20:28 UTC  

then it just becomes totalitarian to whatever specific thing the party wants

2018-10-29 18:20:38 UTC  

Socialism is a wide spot in the narrow road towards attempting to implement communism

2018-10-29 18:20:49 UTC  

totalitarianism is bad, is generally the argument against communism

2018-10-29 18:21:09 UTC  

Welfare can cause a group to come completely depended on the state as they are to lazy to get involved and do things themselves. As a result they cost the state and is therefore ripping off the great populous

2018-10-29 18:21:25 UTC  

@What Would Jack Conte Do? also, the whole "entitled to the fruits of my labor" thing.

2018-10-29 18:21:32 UTC  

@Deleted User Do you think taking care of the poor should be done by an overarching system or for the populace/individuals/private charities to do on their own accord?

2018-10-29 18:21:45 UTC  

well, we're arguing against socialism not communism

2018-10-29 18:21:45 UTC  

Communists do think that everyone is the same

2018-10-29 18:21:56 UTC  

i assume zaddy doesn't want communism... she said she wants socialism

2018-10-29 18:22:10 UTC  

No communists only do if they are all the same @Deleted User

2018-10-29 18:22:17 UTC  

communists want communes, and operate on LTV, that sorta thing

2018-10-29 18:22:43 UTC  

its more complicated than just 'people should be equal'

2018-10-29 18:22:50 UTC  

but the moral argument 'people should be equal' has been given

2018-10-29 18:22:51 UTC  

Socialism is just communism for pussies

2018-10-29 18:22:56 UTC  

Classlessness and all that.

2018-10-29 18:23:02 UTC  

or 'people should have a level playing field' and they don't see the current opportunity model as level

2018-10-29 18:23:19 UTC  

basically though, their morals are 'equality is good'

2018-10-29 18:23:24 UTC  

I just find the idea of people telling others what to do to be morally reprehensible

2018-10-29 18:23:31 UTC  

those that give the moral argument that is... not all will do that

2018-10-29 18:24:02 UTC  

First rule never do something because someone says it’s the right thing, only do it if you have reviewed and a decided it is the right thing to do

2018-10-29 18:24:08 UTC  

yes, classlessness id say is pretty accurate

2018-10-29 18:24:34 UTC  

the difference between communism and socialism (main difference) is that in socialism, there's still regulators

2018-10-29 18:24:35 UTC  

or something

2018-10-29 18:25:02 UTC  

I do have some food for thought I think you fellows may appreciate; first question, do you think Communism is silly for counting on people to be so moral as to be ok with being forced to work for no reward in order to provide for others? Follow-up question after this.

2018-10-29 18:25:03 UTC  

It's all fucking sophistry @What Would Jack Conte Do?

2018-10-29 18:25:14 UTC  

but it makes sense on paper and its REAL TO ME DAMMIT

2018-10-29 18:25:23 UTC  

cmon fitzy, look into your heart

2018-10-29 18:25:33 UTC  

lol jk

2018-10-29 18:25:44 UTC  

facts not feelings <:kermit_spree:378719408438116352>

2018-10-29 18:26:27 UTC  

facts should be like the machine guns watching over no man's land, and feelings are the infantry being gunned down and caught in barbed wire facts

2018-10-29 18:26:43 UTC  

drowning in muddy facts

2018-10-29 18:26:43 UTC  

^ this

2018-10-29 18:26:58 UTC  

Ok ok, but my question. I have a follow-up you may find interesting.

2018-10-29 18:27:06 UTC

2018-10-29 18:27:37 UTC  

Wow, you really are a Nigger Jew then.

2018-10-29 18:27:39 UTC  

@Follow Doctor Freeman She won't answer your question.

Just use search on her name or "Kaden"