Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 553912748409356288

2019-03-09 06:28:14 UTC  

yeah he is everywhere

2019-03-09 06:33:50 UTC  

@Veritas Prognostician They don't understand that even if they repeal it, we will just kill them and reinstate it by force lol

2019-03-09 07:21:22 UTC  

It’s like they fucking want a rebellion.

2019-03-09 07:26:59 UTC  


2019-03-09 07:27:02 UTC  

I made a meme

2019-03-09 07:27:13 UTC

2019-03-09 07:35:01 UTC  

you gonna make me a citizen now? I REMOVED ALL THESE RIBS

2019-03-09 07:35:11 UTC  

and I still can't be a citizen, *becomes the joker*

2019-03-09 08:03:48 UTC  

Whatsup knibbers

2019-03-09 08:12:18 UTC  

Whassup Monica

2019-03-09 09:32:19 UTC  


2019-03-09 09:32:30 UTC  


2019-03-09 12:02:34 UTC

2019-03-09 12:10:43 UTC  

the only people that are being racist to black people these days are other black people

2019-03-09 12:11:06 UTC  

Mornin' lads

2019-03-09 12:11:30 UTC  

now then

2019-03-09 12:20:56 UTC  

Playmobil is the worst

2019-03-09 12:21:16 UTC  

it's what you buy your kid when they ask for Lego but you hate them


2019-03-09 12:21:43 UTC  

agreed @turtwig

2019-03-09 12:21:59 UTC  

getting playmobil when you were a child was comparable to getting coal on christmas

2019-03-09 12:43:32 UTC  

You guys mind if I share my thoughts on capt marvel which might contain some spoilers?

2019-03-09 12:44:26 UTC  

use ||spoiler|| tags for anything that is a spoiler

2019-03-09 12:44:33 UTC  

how do i do that?

2019-03-09 12:44:47 UTC  


2019-03-09 12:44:54 UTC  


2019-03-09 12:44:56 UTC  


2019-03-09 12:45:03 UTC  


2019-03-09 12:46:16 UTC  

I just saw capt marvel, I want to give out my thoughts if y'all don't mind.
Overall, the movie is average. Acting was subpar for the budget, CGI was great. Story was mediocre if you ignore the politics which I will get into without releasing too much spoilers.

The movie was a fairly in your face with its feminist messages. The antagonist and conflicts the main character suffers through are through and through feminist tropes such as men calling women to control their emotions, women seeking to prove themselves to men, men holding women back, etc.

What was somewhat surprising for me is the injection refugee/imperialism politics, and it was... very much obvious for anyone who is at least somewhat aware of global events.

That being said, I do like that the main character isn't portrayed as strong because she is a wamen. However, I do not like the fact that she is 100% a mary sue. Her powers are utterly insane and would make the next movie rather boring.
Remember the justice league movie? ||It was pretty exciting until superman is brought in and basically bitch slaps the antagonist to oblivion. Well, she in relation to everyone else in the avengers is basically that.||

I do like the fish out of water trope and thought her lack of emotions was fitting in the beginning. On the other hand, her "Woohoo", "weees" during the final fight were entirely out of no where.

||The Kree initially were shown to be competent warriors but towards the end, it seemed like they suffer from the stormtrooper syndrome, or worse where they don't even shoot at all.||

And yes, Everything about the cat is dumb. ||As is a woman who hasn't been in service for years defeating a high ranking alien. Dumb.||

Anyways, overall, a fair bit of cringe for those of us who have seen through the feminist/sjw propagandas, but not a horrible movie and certainly not a great movie. I'd give it 6/10

2019-03-09 12:47:01 UTC  

bear in mind I'm not a comic book fan, but I am an action comedy fan, and I have zero problems with seeing wamen on screen, in fact I prefer to see them on screen as they are usually easy on the eyes if you catch my drift.

I do like fantasy and some scifi so this isn't something I'd hate from the get go. I am actually quite surprised why there aren't more female superheroes in the comic book movies given that sex sells

2019-03-09 12:47:02 UTC  

wow in-depth, will check it out in a sec

2019-03-09 12:52:08 UTC  

The movie does bring a somewhat interesting moral/philosophical question into play

2019-03-09 12:52:46 UTC  

solid review

2019-03-09 12:52:55 UTC  

deleted for having a dissenting opinion tho

2019-03-09 12:53:09 UTC  

rotten tomatoes does not approve