Discord ID: 150222686105239553
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Truck of peace is a great form of bonding
This Laci is... Laci Green?
Question for y'all
Do you think cars of today look good?
With their protruding headlights and stuff?
I am more of a mid 2000s car kind of guy, new cars look hideous to me, but I wanna know the opinions of you shit lords
ah so it is
I dont trust her whatsoever
I think she is an attention whore
Perhaps she saw how much of a joke she had become on MTV
Hmm, I am unsure of her uploads, so that point might prove me wrong
that is the usual response to JP too
"JP is overreacting, this law wont do that. If it does, then I'll agree"
All of them
not a single new car I find attractive
do you like the trend the car aesthetics are heading?
reminds me of the mongolian nazis
God Empress needs some practice with toying with the media
For those who want street interviews of people in America:
This channel seems quite awesome
... My brain is fried after trying to read into this Terf shit
so, from what I gathered
Terf people are feminists and LGB people who sees trans men as still a threat?
and also reject the notion that transwoman = woman etc?
and trans community spawned helped create the terfs by forcing the idea that trans-whatever = whatever?
did I grasp the issue?
it is so fucking confusing seeing these people duke it out
like, they are both using the same terminology
but attacking each other with the same accusations
im going to take a nap
so the anti-male bias still exists?
Both are though!
anyways, stumbled on this from my search into the schism between gay and trans commuity
this is from, talking about gay men responding to trans
plain facts rarely influence the masses as well as any form of propaganda
Heh, you asked for this
Sounds like treason
speaking of bus assaults
Philippines shows how it is DONE
It's funny
while the Americans are using AR-15 family of weapons for decades now
The French, Britain and Germans all saw major problems with their weapon design
French even as far as replacing their Famas and possibly adopting an AR-15 relative
not the best photo of the ruler
whats with the blurry screenshot?
someone show Sadiq Khan this channel:
Assault spaghetti needs to be banned
ban underwear?
sounds good to me
Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts in the trump Putin summit?
I have already personally seen some distress from UK liberals
There's a chance he did something
Who knows what that something is but the important thing is that he might have done it
And yes, this article is not satire
It almost reads like a trump news template, but they forgot to replace the key words
Demanding evidence? What are you some kind of fascist?
So anyways, I'd like to provide a list of reasons why Trump is treating Putin this way
1. It weakens his legitimacy by accepting that Russian meddling won his election
2. Being critical of, or hateful of dictators have never yielded positive results
3. The west has burnt almost all easy avenues for punishing Russia. Any further will involve significant self harm to the western nations. So any verbal accusations would carry no weight.
4. There isn't actually any reasonable way to stop the meddling that occured, i.e. facebook posts, twitter bots, etc without sacrificing significant amounts of public freedoms, so the only way to minimize it is to try to convince Russia to stop doing it. Trying to be on good terms with Russia is an approach we have never truly tried before.
5. It generates large volumes of publicity. For Trump, it appears all publicity is good publicty to varying degrees.
These are a few of my thoughts
#4 is quite evident from past actions. He will only give an inch if he can take a yard in return
When he admitted Obama's birth location, he summoned all the media to broadcast him
and spend 1 hr promoting himself on camera, on CNN, ABC, etc
And in the last 2 minutes, he said oh ya, Obama was American
The media was furious
#5, #11 are also plausible
this is one of the reasons why I don't buy into the idea that he is an idiot
He plays his strategic assets far too well
never giving them out for free
and always using everything to his benefit
this is mine
a dirty neolib
As if Libertarianism is perfect
I am a firm believer in the idea that none of the pure political ideologies are ever going to work
@Mickey D The special thing about America is it's patriotism
You are right in that the states are very different from one another
and without such strong patriotism, the country will not exist
This is the reason why the EU cannot function as a state
no, just a botched attempt at creating something parallel
They should've strived for a unified European identity first
something the peoples of the countries can be patriotic about
then form a union
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