Message from @Weaboo Kempeitai
Discord ID: 641100579505963012
I'm hugely confused as to how we actually lost this war.
maybe because rhodesia's only allies were south africa and israel
Better than being a Chinese client-state.
Neo-China arrives from the future.
Terrible war. Some of these boys game out of the fight with their faces permanently censored.
You think they left? Took their guns with them? Took a final stand? Have their weapons confiscated? I hope they made it out alive.
love it
WElp. Turns out they WERE after out precious bodily fluids
Can I pay in COOOOOOM
Jokes on you
White people LOVE cheese
we keepin' it yo
@rEd Ghost(no hard R) Jews did sugar? Not surprised.
not just sugar, contributed to the civil war it seems.
Haha OK Jew