Message from @The Eternal Swede
Discord ID: 649236086526312488
But if you come to me because you need something, making yourself vulnerable to strategic denial of resources, I'm happy to take that chance
Respect is earned, not given, etc etc
Are you looking for some sweet Schadenfreude?
because that's the only thing i can envision that this is for
Revenge is like kinky sex, you might really crave it and it might seem like a really great idea in your head, but once you've gone through it and wake up on the other end you're gonna be thinking "what the fuck did I just do?"
@Octo Nowhere else to go
I get that respect is earned, but nobody gives me a chance to earn it.
Then take it
also, school relationships mean basically nothing
I'm not gonna pretend I have good advice to give, my friendship circle is very limited and I get by simply by being technically competent, not socially competent
Having a friend will make this place somwhat bearable.
Where are you anyway, college? Uni?
I think he's in high school
@The Eternal Swede 6th form
That doesn't mean anything to me, the swedish school system too different
It's mandatory for 16-18 year olds . And I hate it.
College or sixth form, is mandatory in the UK
Ah, we have a similar system then
Sixth form is basically college course you take at your secondary school.
That's when I started to get to hang out with mostly likeminded people, since we got to chose what direction we were taking our studies
Wish I had some advice but I'm bad at making friends
Wear clean clothes, shower and be clean and don't be rude are the basics, but beyond that I don't know
How I make friends and who I do it with seems to be mostly a matter of opportunity, who isn't already in a friend group at the moment when we're having a positive interaction, and is also going to remain in my proximity for a longer while without a friend group
I guess we naturally try to form new social groups to be within
Jeffrey "where to send money?" Epstein
can we get an exception for ace gang
for basically being volcel
LUL pedos trying to justify their sick behavior by morally equivocating it to masturbation
wtf lol
"One African-American worker said that team leaders would ask minorities to do menial tasks, like take out the trash, “while white co-workers appeared to be standing around doing nothing."
sounds like elon musk is a gamer
Lil'Zoomer got rekt