Message from @snake

Discord ID: 674398913863745557

2020-02-04 16:18:46 UTC  

I am sympathetic towards many of the ideas here, such as being opposed to the anti-white narrative that pervades western nations, being on board with European pride etc. But I am just wondering, why is it necessary to have an ethnostate?

2020-02-04 16:23:32 UTC  

@Patrick Clifford#9447 Very simple.
1)Homogeneous countries are more high trust.
2)Because each ethnic group has a proclivity towards their own kin, and wants to be around those like themeselves on ethnic and cultural lines. This not an argument that ethnonationalism is justified by virtue of being instinctively adhered to by the constituents of most ethnic groups, but that each group having and recognising each others' right to self-determination is conducive to preference satisfaction and thus well-being.

2020-02-04 16:24:28 UTC  

It's, crucially, only whites that are frown upon by wanting to preserve their own groups

2020-02-04 16:24:32 UTC  

Oh shit nvm

2020-02-04 16:24:36 UTC  

He left

2020-02-04 16:32:28 UTC  


2020-02-04 16:34:40 UTC  

I think he got banned

2020-02-04 16:34:47 UTC  

Was probably an alt or something

2020-02-04 16:35:05 UTC  

From that scottish named guy

2020-02-04 17:35:25 UTC  


2020-02-04 22:27:18 UTC  

@James Peterson Also add that homogenous areas have much higher social capital

2020-02-04 22:27:48 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine Very true, thanks for mentioning it!

2020-02-04 22:27:56 UTC  

This is a good article on that

2020-02-04 23:27:42 UTC  

@James Peterson I’m with the CIA, I believe you’ve been radicalized. Come with me

2020-02-04 23:27:48 UTC  


2020-02-04 23:39:56 UTC  

@snake Oh shit. Don't arrest me, I am half Jewish. I will sue you for antisemitism

2020-02-04 23:40:20 UTC  


2020-02-04 23:40:30 UTC  


2020-02-04 23:54:40 UTC  

Interesting pick. He's probably the only one left that can drain bernie voters

2020-02-04 23:55:07 UTC  

Because if they were going to go for the other 3, they would have done so by now

2020-02-04 23:55:15 UTC  

I don't get how Buttigieg wins but not the popular vote. I thought this was based off popular vote

2020-02-04 23:56:03 UTC  

they've only tabulated 60~% of the vote.....

2020-02-04 23:56:13 UTC  

or i should say, released info pertaining to 60%

2020-02-04 23:56:29 UTC  

pete buttigieg is the hot new thing, win or lose

2020-02-05 01:42:04 UTC  

just a heads up, I'm leaving the server, maybe just for a bit. Its a nice server but I've been procrastinating too much by looking at all the dank memes on here T_T

2020-02-05 01:42:23 UTC  

have fun everyone! 😄 <:yay:638817157840502815> <:comfy:639985510785351680>

2020-02-05 01:42:32 UTC  

emojis are awesome here too lol

2020-02-05 01:42:43 UTC  

alright bro! hope to see u soon 🙂

2020-02-05 01:45:20 UTC  

peace homes

2020-02-05 02:06:45 UTC  

see you on the other side homeslice

2020-02-05 02:19:31 UTC  

He could of just *not* interact in here <:athSM:647800405467594765>

2020-02-05 02:19:45 UTC  

he was so close to getting a new role too 😭

2020-02-05 10:53:31 UTC  

The accelerated adoption of Liberalism as political policy has provided a gift that only the most ambitious can appreciate. This demand for Will a single human alone cannot satisfy leaves open a vacuum of space to occupy. In what way should we reply? Over time civilization has experienced the erosion of corrupt institutionalized religions and atomization of the human soul into a state of servitude. Technological progress has provided a limited means to disassociate from traditional confinement to territory that until recently was intricate to meaningful political accomplishment. The opportunity for our true expression awaits to be recognized.

Is true Liberalism a true opposition?
The extent to which true believers of liberal policy practice Liberalism where it is not, is the extent to which a nation can establish order unopposed by Liberalism. Since only nations can be enemies of other nations, Liberalism provided the means for nations to name people as enemies. In this context politics is ideologically asymmetrical. We must fight for the freedom to be who we are, not for the freedom to oppose those who choose to fight us for being. Where we require those who opposes us to validate who we are, we are not free to discover what that true expression is.

2020-02-05 10:54:24 UTC  

Liberalism is a natural outgrowth to the emergence of civilizations as organized states. This political imperative, it’s true believers act upon, is more so done in absence of Willful agency. This provides the opportunity for a collection of Willful agents with the Will to impose their agency upon true believers. The Willful agents achieve for themselves stability of power, are thus dependent on Liberal policy as a system of belief, and therefore are its greatest spiritual advocates. The degree to which one may be a beneficiary of Liberal policy is inversely proportional to the degree to which one is a practitioner of its belief advocated. Their power is expressed as disregard to what they make true to their believers. Despite not being practitioners of this belief themselves, these Willful agents find it necessary to impose this belief even when it may appear inconvenient to themselves at the expense of the believers and the system they occupy. To these Willful agents, Liberal policy is a calculated cost for the legitimacy to project power. They succeed only by defeating each other. Their lack of ability to express unity is their greatest weakness and evident by their greatest lie. It should then be no surprise where a Willful agent may be found to oppose other Willful agents who act upon the interest of collective Willful agency as equal men. Liberal policy advocates have damned themselves Willingly by pursuing a strategy of stability which requires avoiding accountability.

2020-02-05 10:55:19 UTC  

The American revolution was not just a rebellion against the monarchy of Great Britain. This is least of all significant. Justifying this rebellion was the intent to establish a republic along an imposing liberal paradigm. Its leaders simply did what was necessary, with the opportunity available, and with what could be capitalized upon as the world became increasingly transformed by a Liberal imperative to prepare for the inevitable future setting we live now. To say that America is a Liberal nation is total disregard for its reason to be founded. To say any nation can be truly liberal is total disregard for a nation’s purpose for existence. Therefor what America was and is, where it exists by its true form, is the proper adaptation by a distinct people among a paradigm of Liberal policy to form a state of order for continued survival and prosperity. The success of this nation must continue and not just conserve. The time of American geoisolation has ended where those of similarity everywhere are in great need of each other. The limits of reach extend to the farthest observable star, not by what is propositioned in an era where everyone is everywhere, and by people who just so happen to be present within geographic vicinity but not share true intentions. Be not compelled by those who act in faith disassociated by vulgar substitutions of our righteous inheritance.

2020-02-05 10:56:01 UTC  

A true opposition to modern liberal policy has begun to shape modern political form. Liberalism itself cannot exist in recognition without something equal to oppose. It requires a symbolic opposition to validate its own symbolic existence. When an untrue opposition to Liberalism achieves recognition, it amplifies untrue characteristics of what that opposition opposes. Like two opponents who face each other in combat, their actions are a signal to each other of their worthiness. Current and past Liberal policy has succeeded for so long to vail its true characteristics by controlling what opposes it at the expense of destroying its own authenticity. This true opposition is upon us to fulfill and Liberalism will fail to prevent it.