Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 613214375922368523

2019-08-20 02:50:01 UTC  

Ancient Times were not better, in Ancient Times a whole stadium cheered to see children being torn apart by lions, raping your slaves was usual and a father had the right to throw his Child at the garbage in ancient Rome after the Birth.

2019-08-20 02:51:45 UTC  

@ninjacats I wasn't saying that science, itself, was wrong entirely. I'm saying that the modern world is not scientific in the slightest, and any scientific advancement it's responsible for is ultimately nothing compared to what came before.

2019-08-20 02:53:39 UTC  

@Max Mustermann | Gregor Gysi Things are worse now. Besides, modern people love sadistic pleasures and killing babies, so I don't know what you're on about.

2019-08-20 02:55:43 UTC  

It depends on the perspective of literal, i know what you mean, the problem is, f. e. the world was made in seven days, but if we dig deeper, we see that the sun was made after day 1, so the Days in Genesis are not Earthly Days, they are time periods.

And many things were written for the Earthly perspective, like f. e. the Sun is moving from the Hebrews perspective, but this doesn't mean that the Earth isn't moving, Earth can be moving around the sun and it looks from the Human perspective, like the sun is moving.

Kopernikus f. e. was a pious Christian and he also stated, that nothing he says really contradicts the Biblexit just contradicted the Catholic approach of the Bible in the 15th century.

2019-08-20 02:56:20 UTC  

Honestly, the father having the right to kill his child was more in line with what's right than saying the state has a monopoly on how all children are raised. The latter is infinitely worse, and arguably lead to what we have now.

2019-08-20 02:56:40 UTC  

There was more killing, more perversion and much more slaves in Ancient times, but i agree with you, there is the risk of returning to the prechristian wordly status.

2019-08-20 02:57:49 UTC  

Both is evil, the first things kills a child of God and the 2nd thing can create a menace for society, if there is the purpose to do so.

2019-08-20 02:59:39 UTC  

No, there was not more perversion. They just to a better job at hiding it today. There was more killing, I agree, but we need more killing tbh. This entire situation is due, majorly, to any lack of conflict and near-complete atrophy of militarism in all aspects of life.

2019-08-20 03:01:55 UTC  

Worldly peace between men and nations, instead of peace under God, is Hell, honestly. All it does is lead to the absolute worst acts of depravity and moral apathy imaginable, before the false system inevitably collapses and leads back into the most egregious come-back of barbarism imaginable.

2019-08-20 03:21:01 UTC  

_ For it is not my desire to act towards you as a man-pleaser, but as pleasing God, even as also you please Him…For if you are silent concerning me, I shall become God’s; but if you show your love to my flesh, I shall again have to run my race…Only request in my behalf both inward and outward strength, that I may not only speak, but [truly] will; and that I may not merely be called a Christian, but really be found to be one._

_Allow Me to Fall a Prey to the Wild Beasts_

2019-08-20 03:21:47 UTC  

_I write to the Churches, and impress on them all, that I shall willingly die for God, unless you hinder me. I beseech you not to show an unseasonable good will towards me. Suffer me to become food for the wild beasts, through whose instrumentality it will be granted me to attain to God. I am the wheat of God, and let me be ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of Christ. Rather entice the wild beasts, that they may become my tomb, and may leave nothing of my body; so that when I have fallen asleep [in death], I may be no trouble to any one. Then shall I truly be a disciple of Christ, when the world shall not see so much as my body. Entreat Christ for me, that by these instruments. I may be found a sacrifice to God. I do not, as Peter and Paul, issue commandments unto you. They were apostles; I am but a condemned man: they were free, while I am, even until now, a servant. But when I suffer, I shall be the freed-man of Jesus, and shall rise again emancipated in Him. And now, being a prisoner, I learn not to desire anything worldly or vain._

_I Desire to Die._

2019-08-20 03:22:14 UTC  

St. Ignatius

2019-08-20 03:22:19 UTC  

Devoured by lions

2019-08-20 03:25:11 UTC  


2019-08-20 03:25:13 UTC  


2019-08-20 03:33:52 UTC  

Today while I was reading Nietzsche I wasn't swayed by him like I usually am, I kept thinking about early Christian philosophy and the nature of creation

2019-08-20 03:33:57 UTC  

Y'all are getting to me

2019-08-20 03:34:29 UTC  

Should probably read the gospel too

2019-08-20 03:34:51 UTC  

I am lol, Starting with Matthew

2019-08-20 03:34:58 UTC  


2019-08-20 03:35:00 UTC  

Then want to read Paul's letters

2019-08-20 03:35:25 UTC  

I finally got my good translation bible

2019-08-20 03:35:31 UTC  

So I’ll get into it too

2019-08-20 03:35:40 UTC  

I've got the Orthodox study Bible

2019-08-20 03:36:14 UTC  

I’ve got the Biblia de Jerusalen because I speak Spanish and I’m Catholic

2019-08-20 03:36:24 UTC  

Plus it’s probably the best translation

2019-08-20 03:36:32 UTC  

Directly from hebrew and greek

2019-08-20 03:36:37 UTC  

To spanish

2019-08-20 03:36:54 UTC  

gotta learn latin for the vulgate lad

2019-08-20 03:37:16 UTC  

I know some ecclesiastical latin

2019-08-20 03:37:37 UTC  

Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Gloria and the Confiteor

2019-08-20 03:38:07 UTC  

Prayed a rosary in mostly latin today heh

2019-08-20 03:38:17 UTC  

Latin is easier to learn, if you speak a Latin language like Italian, Romanian or Spanish.

2019-08-20 03:39:25 UTC  


2019-08-20 03:39:27 UTC  

theres a reason why the reformation hit the eternal germanics harder rhan the romance groups

2019-08-20 03:40:31 UTC  

True. Even if we Romanians had the Slavic language in lithurghy, except from crucial prayers like Our Father.

2019-08-20 03:40:50 UTC  

a lot of the kvetching re:acceasobility of the bible/liturgy makes way more or way less sense if you can already sorta understand whats going on

2019-08-20 03:41:30 UTC  

I agree, thats also biblical, Jesus said that the apostles should teach the peoples in their languages/so that they can understand.

2019-08-20 03:42:37 UTC  

the tradcath insistence on latin mass is admirable, even if kinda weird from our perspective :^)

2019-08-20 03:43:18 UTC  

I’m ok with vernacular if done right I guess

2019-08-20 03:43:30 UTC  

But would definitely side with latin