Message from @porco
Discord ID: 386092579361652736
Is it better to live in India or China then?
cause chinks look down at indians as being poor and rural - they only respect big cities
New dehli and Mumbai got mad money flowing through
even cops have lambos
Southern India is cleaner than the north. The problem is that it's wicked hot
Actually I think southern China is cleaner than Northern China as well
it's hilarious
is that a thicc ak
It fires over 600 poos per minute
is the weapon to unleash indias superpower
just poo if you need ammo
unlimited firepower
I think it's got a good bit of reliability issues too
You could say it's a... Shitty rifle 😎
Did he also have a picture of mona lisa too
Inb4 chinks create jurassic park and unleash monsters and unknown disease upon us
can't wait
lmao please tell me that's a real turtle i can throw my change at
couldnt they at least get decent lookin onezsx
That episode was hilarious
Good river
Karl is alright
I love that episode. That show is so funny
How do electric ship not toaster shock ocean????????
50 mile range. 😂
And probably poisoned an area the size of Delaware to do it
It probably runs on electricity made in a coal power plant too