Message from @GRUMPYGAMER
Discord ID: 594685996990201886
Well that was the worst thing ive ever watched
didn't know there were companyman fake vids
what game are u playing!!!! @Jejune
@everyone get on vc Obama is here and taking ur questions
Pokemon Yellow
sounds gay
@B|ack|ce nigger ive missed u
am first got nuked
and you never got an invite to the homie server
Wait what
Nick's YouTube channel ?
the doxedcord server
Well he mentioned he had another discord on the show wtf did he expect
Telling really good comix to join
Its not hard to have opsec
btw @B|ack|ce i sent you invites in a PM
AmFirst is basically a Honeypot by now even if that wasn't their intention
Nicks boipucci is the honey
@Soridu Snaikku there is no am first server anymore
Af isn’t a honey pot niggas just be like “here’s my real name and address XD”
rip my nigga bress
just give cantwell your name and disagree with him once
Is Cantwell even still alive?
His fedbux should have expired by now
And I doubt Enoch will be able to hold him for long
We haven't even heard from Heimbach ever since that LARP