Message from @B|ack|ce
Discord ID: 545302636128108576
also guarantee that jeep is an automatic too bitches can't fucking drive
oh shit you're right
stupid modern bitches i guarantee you couldn't figure out how to start my Ford model A either
there's your millenial anti theft device
Cross fitters will do anything to NOT lift weights
is crossfit even still popular
Pushing a car is easy as fuck when it’s just a parking lot
it seems like cardio kickboxing has taken over
I hear it is
Haven’t heard of cardio kickboxing being pop
everyone around me at work does it
and theres a popular studio I drive by daily thats always bumpin, even at 7am
I want to learn kickboxing so I can assault women with style
I do kickboxing
Crossfitters are going to be cross when they are unfit with worn out joints at 45
i read that as jorts at first
Also that
but yeah, speed compound lifting is such a bad idea
"how many clean and presses can you do in a min 120 pound woman"
Am i CrossFit if I do body weight stuff inbetween sets to keep the pump going
No u TotalGym based
Crossfit is like
its cardio based around hiit and muscle stamina
Aerobic jumping on things quickly while holding weights
"how many squats can you do in 90 seconds"
It looks like carlton at prom
When he eats all the speed in will's locker by mistake
That type of spazzout
maybe could be fine for people who lift weights already and do it as their cardio, and are doing like 15% weight
but its what pudgey people do for their main exercise, and are often taught form wrong to max reps
crossfit girls are disgusting
only homos are into chicks with arms like that
thats a fair assessment
Yeah I love it I love it when I feel like I have my sweet little girl but shes strong, strong like a man I love the way she hugs me and her deep, phlemgy voice rumbles against my chest as I hold her like a calming thunderstorm
I love her thinning hair and her sharp jaw and her badass figure and yeah she can out drink me but that's because she's twice the woman I am I mean man look I'm just in love with her I love the way she forces me into cock and ball torture
sounds like a keeper
crossfit girl likes to fuck her boyfriend in the ass with a strapon while choking
It's not choking you crackerjack hamburger baka gaijin chicken nugget swine it's bonding it's something good it's love so what if she spits on my face and makes me call my dad in the middle of it and makes me tell him I'm his little girl now this is what we *DO*
beyond all the obvious problems with cross fit, the biggest reason its bad is that you do it in a class, fitness classes are gay