Message from @Soridu Snaikku
Discord ID: 564594731783290890
even far right Catholics act like total retards when faced with a pagan or atheist just minding their own business
who is in the right here?
pea protein
what about gamer girl pee protein
arm and hammer makes a cheap aluminum free deoderant
i think the reason they all use alum inside is because it lasts longer
i'd rather smell than get my endocrine system fucked up
i already don't use shampoo anymore
since november of last year
water and baking soda
or was it @gamerlord that was looking for neck and traps
do you wear pants?
you gotta stop wearing pants
get pants pilled
Holy shit I was just ab to poast in here ab non aluminum deodorant
How did the tech bro come to be
How did tech go from autistes that like typing on computers to half-Jews pretending to be surfers trying to save the world
No one liked them irl so they had to create a fake persona online. Once they grew facial hair it was over for the rest of us
Eggy is live now
speaking of the deoderant arm and hammer just introduced a new scent on the non-alum one i buy
loving it so far
walmart has the 2 packs for something like $3 i think
since it wears off quicker i really slather it on
i bought sum organic shid a few month ago
eggy eggy eggy can't you see
sometimes I poo when I say pee
why hate on michael tracey
because hes fat
because he’s fat
And he's mentally ill