Message from @Slobert Knobbington
Discord ID: 585129924931747851
even the survival is comfy and not annoying
Remember when video games were based and redpilled? In Mass Effect 2 you could beat the shit out of a female journalist who was spreading fake news about you. God I miss those days. You never really appreciate what you have until it's truly gone.
Postal 2 is the best game for torturing women. You can piss on them and make them vomit. You can also taze them until they piss themselves and THEN piss on them until they vomit. It's extremely hilarious. They couldn't make one like that these days.
whats a good gif making program
Lmfao this is what pagans think Scandinavia would have been like without Christianity
Literal snow niggers
We woulda built da pyramidz n shiet
Hyperborea is just Wakanda for snow niggers
thats not the real nintendo its a parody account
also i want that tattoo shirt
nordcucks be like "We are clearly the superior people also hey why are all of our women dating africans wth!!!"
All women are retarded
wtf is that disgusting artwork
Bro I’m cringing
Johnny bravo is shaking his head
I hate women
*posts nude muscle men all day as part of my online "brand" *
Ah yes proud hyperborean energy....
As retarded as wignats are, if they keep finding retard astrology gfs and breeding it'll be like the Mormons or Amish and they'll eventually be a large population
I need to believe in Sir Gay and and the Chainlink.
Just a meager 2 million, just enough to retire for life on. That's all I ask.
the trans flag is especially demonic
baby blue and a soft pink to appeal to infants
im gooing to end these people in death stranding
Why are the two kids channels pushing sex on children?
the whole ss thing is a psyop to make weebs think that being childlike, soft and feminine will make them desirable to women. It totally isn't just a depopulation scheme targeting men. People who post ss are feds. Plain and simple.
That's what you should ask your normie friends
now look up cuckquean
tfw when no retard wife to pop out kids and raise them