Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 591253163407966235

2019-06-19 22:37:56 UTC  

LIVE and Tonight We Snipe - #CogLive
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2019-06-19 22:40:22 UTC  

My newest video on Iran bombing on the US tanker ship.

2019-06-19 23:56:38 UTC  
2019-06-20 02:18:27 UTC  


2019-06-20 02:36:59 UTC  
2019-06-20 04:10:28 UTC  
2019-06-20 04:46:27 UTC  

I find it funny when people on the left try and roll out the Kochs when criticising Trump

2019-06-20 06:20:33 UTC  

It's a leftover trick that they saved from right to work battles

2019-06-20 06:22:02 UTC  

When Act 10 went into place here in Wisconsin, it was "Koch Brothers" every 10 minutes on local news

2019-06-20 09:49:24 UTC  

check out Computing Forever Bitchute Exclusive!

2019-06-20 11:57:54 UTC  

I generally have some agreement with Tucker, but _man_ he has a raging hate boner for libertarianism. IMO, the problem with the Koch brothers is that they're globalists, not that they're libertarian. There are libertarians that don't have a problem with the idea of the country having better border security, or with the idea of the government encouraging (through a combination of tariffs and incentives) companies to create their products within the country (see, for example, Styx, who has expressed a positive sentiment towards both of these).

2019-06-20 11:58:34 UTC  

it's just a question of minimal government control where possible, and that "where possible" really depends on the person you're talking to, when it comes to libertarians

2019-06-20 11:59:58 UTC  

I also disagree with his take that a law that would cap drug prices in the US is a good thing, because if we implemented that as well, it would cause the pharmaceutical industry to just move over to China for its R&D instead, which would arguably be worse for us as a country than dealing with high drug prices (at least in my opinion)

2019-06-20 12:06:19 UTC  

Yeah. R&D for drugs can cost billions of dollars and then the drugs are sold to a small portion of the population. It’s the biggest reason why drugs are expensive

Anyone who understands basic high school economics could figure that out.

2019-06-20 12:07:04 UTC  

I personally think that a better use of government resources would be to figure out how to do gene therapy effectively

2019-06-20 12:11:51 UTC  

That way, many of these illnesses could be cured and it’s possible to prevent them from being passed on.

2019-06-20 12:27:42 UTC  

Well, high school economics aren't really taught in high school anymore.

2019-06-20 13:03:06 UTC  

@aguyyouknow I argue with libertarians often :)

2019-06-20 13:08:59 UTC  

True libertarians don’t exist. Lol

2019-06-20 13:32:31 UTC  

libertarians' greatest enemy is other libertarians...

2019-06-20 13:33:18 UTC  
2019-06-20 13:41:45 UTC  


2019-06-20 15:17:58 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat you can't cure the diseases. There's no profit in that. Everyone knows that the true path forward is keeping people sick and treating them for a half a century

2019-06-20 15:20:49 UTC  

while i staunchly disagree with doctor assisted suicide, that reasoning is also why that faces such a harsh opposition. The medical industry can mask it as "Life is Sacred" while ensuring that people who are terminally ill are kept alive as long as possible to keep the treatments going. I disagree with it on a moral level, as I would assume most people who you and I talk to as well. But if you think that the medical lobby is opposing it for moral reasons you're out of your mind

2019-06-20 15:42:00 UTC  

This is exactly what I expected from progressive left wing comedy

2019-06-20 16:21:08 UTC  

This guy has a ton of comedian vs. heckler videos. To the point where I think he uses a plant

2019-06-20 16:37:06 UTC  

Seems like this guy is pretty dishonest

2019-06-20 16:58:11 UTC  

They conspired to commit a felony, so ya, might be a touch dishonest.


2019-06-20 17:47:56 UTC  

^that's the place were that weird antifa thing entered and threw books on the roof

2019-06-20 17:48:48 UTC  

That's what I thought when I saw that

2019-06-20 17:50:03 UTC  

Ya, I begged them to shoot her next time she came in.
She hasn't come in since then.

2019-06-20 21:55:15 UTC  

that'd be a good way to catch a felony.

2019-06-20 21:55:34 UTC  

for the store personnel

2019-06-20 21:58:05 UTC  

Real good way

2019-06-20 21:58:10 UTC  

And totally called for

2019-06-20 21:58:54 UTC  

as in the store would be justified or that they deserve a felony for shooting her?