Message from @C1PHER

Discord ID: 558771632043458572

2019-03-22 05:25:16 UTC  

the various grievence studies would be cut back

2019-03-22 05:25:17 UTC  

It will be an incentive for some employers to do, i'm not sure how high % that could possibly be tho.

2019-03-22 05:25:32 UTC  

it currently happens

2019-03-22 05:26:02 UTC  

student loan reimbursment is one of the many things negotiated in total compensation.

2019-03-22 05:27:04 UTC  

Yes, its already a thing.

2019-03-22 12:07:46 UTC  

It also means that getting useless degrees puts you in massive debt and it creates a disincentive to get those degrees.

2019-03-22 12:08:11 UTC  

Gender studies out the window now

2019-03-22 12:08:31 UTC  

No more worthless grievance studies

2019-03-22 12:09:31 UTC  

I think we should find a way to kick all the commie professors out for spreading seditious ideology.

2019-03-22 12:10:57 UTC  

Kick out all the elites here first, the root of the issue

2019-03-22 12:11:09 UTC  

I had a wall of text about that earlier, I think it got buried though

2019-03-22 12:11:59 UTC  

Dang. I guess I missed it

2019-03-22 12:13:00 UTC  

I found it, I'll DM it to you lol

2019-03-22 21:42:21 UTC  

Yang vs Shapiro on Circumcision. Should prove interesting if it happens

2019-03-22 21:45:22 UTC  

Ben tweeted that's not what their talk will be about (unless it happens to come up).

2019-03-22 21:45:39 UTC  

But they would both be wrong anyway.

2019-03-22 21:52:44 UTC  

New York!

2019-03-22 23:22:43 UTC  

I hope he doesn't walk his comments back, though it sounds like he's said similar stuff before, according to the article, so it seems unlikely

2019-03-22 23:45:44 UTC  

Oh no... he asked for compassion toward another group of awful...

2019-03-22 23:59:26 UTC  

He is a witch, we must burn him.

2019-03-23 00:13:09 UTC  

> Explicitly not a rape threat

2019-03-23 00:14:08 UTC  

Didn't know Sargon was planning on running, but he did seem to be going in that direction

2019-03-23 00:23:20 UTC  

-i would not rape you
-omg rape threat!

2019-03-23 00:27:55 UTC  

not something I would expect from that source

2019-03-23 00:29:25 UTC  

Increase Scholarships with tax incentives and remove all subsidies for any college courses

2019-03-23 00:29:41 UTC  

gender studies is being subsidised at both ends

2019-03-23 00:32:39 UTC  

that office video was very good

2019-03-23 00:32:53 UTC  

milano is an intersectional loon. they hate the dems

2019-03-23 00:33:04 UTC  

but they hate republicans more

2019-03-23 00:40:18 UTC  

I was thinking maybe the Women's March dumpster fire sparked something in her brain

2019-03-23 00:40:21 UTC  

but that might be too much to hope for

2019-03-23 01:01:43 UTC  

milano was never known for her intelligence or political tact

2019-03-23 01:02:05 UTC  

she was known for her super model good looks and sex appeal

2019-03-23 01:03:39 UTC  

I'm not sure who half those candidates are

2019-03-23 01:03:51 UTC  

How many are there at this point?