Message from @The Inquisitor [☧]
Discord ID: 385280948163575818
I need to find slavros' copypasta about putin and russia
@Eulogy yes plz
Which, I was always the second biggest anti Putin bully.
Based Putin
Remember "Russia is our friend!"?
@MatthewHeimbach you were there, weren't you? The very first CVille, before the big one?
oh god that makes me cringe
I heard that Dicky tried to shut up the "Blood and Soil" chant at CVille
so I started it at the big one, at the torchlight rally
Pretty sure Spencer was still pushing that meme recently
Putin is just playing 4d chess
I don't think that's true
He tried to make it "bloody anus" but the trolls started chanting blood and soil
I’m being sarcastic
Found em
The based Putin meme is terrible
East Zog vs West Zog
The fuck you faggots chant was good too
Just look at how hard RT kvetches everytime Balts throw a parade for their SSv vets
It's really ironic Al-Jazeera has much more realistic impression of Russian nazism than Daily Stormer.
Made me laugh
and know that throught the city that night, the butts of countless opticscucks were sore
One of the DS commenters expressed profound surprise at Russia having mosques in the first place so that tells something about the level of education.
@The Inquisitor [☧] I'm pretty sure their butts were going to be sore no matter what
Azzmador was there
>expressed profound surprise at Russia having mosques
There are worryingly lot of burgers taking the White Savior stuff 100% at face value
This city is run by criminal jews and communist niggers
Guess I should delet this 😦
I wonder how Fr. Johnson reconciles all the Jewish ties to Putin. Maybe he is willing to ignore it because of other good he does against the general power matrix? Posturing maybe?
Sperglin thinks @MatthewHeimbach is actually a Nazbol
Russia is gay, real ni🅱:b:as support Ukraine
>NatSoc is Nazbol gais